The state earnestly ensures that social development gives priority to education, financial funds give priority to ensuring education investment, and public resources give priority to meeting the needs
The state earnestly ensures that social development gives priority to education, financial funds give priority to ensuring education investment, and public resources give priority to meeting the needs of education development.
A is wrong. The development of productive forces is the decisive factor of social progress. Comrade Luo Zigui and Deng Xiaoping put forward that the criterion for judging the quality of a social system mainly depends on whether it is conducive to the development of socialist social productive forces. Why should we take "whether it is conducive to developing the productive forces of socialist society" as the fundamental decisive factor? This is because the development of productive forces is the fundamental force that determines the social and historical development, and it is the ultimate reason and motive force of historical movement. According to historical materialism, the production of material materials directly determines the relations of production, and then ultimately determines all social relations, which is the ultimate decisive force for the existence and development of society. In history, Marx scientifically revealed for the first time that productivity is the basis of all human history. As early as 1846, he pointed out in his letter to Miko Wu kov that "productivity-this is the basis of all history". The Preface to Criticism of Political Economy holds that material productivity directly determines the relations of production and ultimately all social relations, and is the ultimate decisive force for social existence and development. In fact, this truth is very simple, because if human society wants to survive and develop, it must produce material means of subsistence to meet the needs of human beings and society such as food, clothing, housing and transportation. Any nation can neither survive nor develop if it stops production. The development and change of production always begins with the development and change of productive forces, first of all, with the change of production tools. In all fields of social life, people's politics, economy, culture and education, religious philosophy, etc. By elimination, the answer is BCD.