specialized school
There are many professional schools in Japan, such as Kobe Electronic School, Tokyo Comic Seiyuu School, Osaka Animation School and Sapporo Comic Animation School. These schools offer perfect animation courses and provide high-quality educational resources for students.
Famous university
Famous Japanese universities such as Musashino University of Fine Arts and Seibu University in Kyoto also offer animation courses. These university animation courses have a perfect system and high teaching quality, which provides students with a broader development space.
training class
In addition to schools and universities, there are many training courses in Japan, which have produced many excellent cartoonists and seiyuu. These training courses have flexible courses and diverse teaching methods, providing students with more choices.
Outstanding talent
Japanese animation education has produced many excellent cartoonists and seiyuu. These talents play an important role in the animation industry and inject new vitality into the Japanese animation industry.
Full of enthusiasm
If you are passionate about animation, Japan is definitely your first choice! Here, you can receive the most professional animation education, make like-minded friends and realize your animation dream.