Business School: MBA, Business Studies, Management, Applied Economics, Aviation Industry, Finance Education School: Consulting, Adult Education, Distance and Network Education, Early Childhood Education, Special Education, Education Administration, Education Administration and Leadership, Educational Psychology, Education Research, Literature Education, Speech and Speech Disorder Treatment. School of Art: School of Design, School of Art, School of Music Therapy, School of Humanities and Social Sciences: National Defense and Strategic Studies, Economics, Education, Emergency Management, English, Geography, History, Maori Studies, Mathematics, Media Studies, Midwives, Museum Studies, Nursing, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Second Foreign Language Education, Social Anthropology, Social Policy, Sociology, Statistics, Women's Studies.
Academy of Sciences: agriculture, equestrian research, horticulture, life cycle assessment, applied statistics, building management, engineering, environmental management, food technology, computer science, information technology, software engineering, statistics, logistics and supply chain management, quantity inspection, animal science, biochemistry, bioinformatics, chemical physics, chemistry, earth science, electric power, geography, genetics, horticulture.
Macy's Postgraduate Advantages The teaching of Macy's University in New Zealand is particularly prominent at the postgraduate level, and the number of graduate students and doctoral students who graduate each year ranks first in the National University of New Zealand. In the past 80 years, Massey University has been among the world famous universities because of its excellent international education and research.
Massey University in New Zealand has 56 departments, 5 colleges 18 cutting-edge educational research institutions. It was once known as the largest and most successful agricultural and horticultural teaching and research institution in China, with complete disciplines. In New Zealand, Massey University is the only school offering veterinary science courses, and its professional qualifications are internationally recognized. In addition, it has considerable strength in the fields of mathematics and information science, molecular biology science, social science, business and design.