(For teachers from 2004 to 2009)
1. Multiple choice questions (20 questions in this question, each question 1 point, a total of 20 points)
1. Generally speaking, (c) marks the development of pedagogy to an independent stage.
A. Locke's education rambles on Comenius' great teaching theory
C. Herbart's General Pedagogy Teaching and Development in zankov
2. The theory that the task of teaching is to train students' ability and way of thinking is called (B).
A. Traditional education theory B. Formal education theory C. Substantive education theory D. Modern education theory
3. The earliest modern education system established and implemented in China is (B).
A. Ren Xu academic system B. Guimao academic system C. Renzi academic system D. Renyin academic system "
4. Regarding the relationship between education and economic development, the international community has reached a consensus that (b)
A. economic development precedes educational development.
C. education and economy should develop simultaneously. D. Their development is not related to each other.
5. The central link of the class teacher's work is (C)
A. Understanding and studying students B. Doing individual education C. Organizing and cultivating class groups D. Unifying various educational forces
6. The representative figure of structuralism curriculum theory is (D)
A. Bloom Dewey Herbart Bruner
7. The starting point and destination of educational activities is (C)
A. Educational content B. Educational quality C. Educational purpose D. Educational policy
8. The creator of the heuristic teaching method of midwifery is (B)
A. Aristotle Socrates Plato quintilian
9. The educational theory that the task of teaching is to train students' ability and thinking form is called (D).
A. Traditional education theory B. Modern education theory C. Entity education theory D. Formal education theory
10. The first modern school system formulated and promulgated in China is (C).
A. Renyin academic system B. Renzi academic system C. Guimao academic system D. Ren Xu academic system
1 1. There are different theories and viewpoints about the motivation of children's development. Among them, the typical representative of China's ancient "endogenous theory" is (a)
A. Mencius B. Confucius C. Mozi D. Xunzi
12. The creativity of teachers' labor is mainly reflected in (d)
A. make scientific discoveries B. make technological inventions C. explore unknown fields D. creatively apply educational laws.
13. In the history of western education, the representative figure of the famous "whiteboard theory" for children's development is,)
A. Comenius Rousseau Roxanne
14. The first modern education system established and implemented in China is (D).
A. Renyin academic system B. Renzi academic system C. Ren Xu academic system D. Guimao academic system
15. the representative figure of activity curriculum theory is (b)
A. Herbart Dewey Bloom Bruner
16. Some people think that the task of teaching is to impart practical knowledge to students, but the development of intelligence is irrelevant. This theory is called (D).
A. Traditional education theory B. Modern education theory C. Formal education theory D. Substantive education theory
17. The interactive process between learning and teaching is a systematic process, and the elements contained in this system are (D)
A. Students, teachers, teaching contents, teaching media and teaching environment
B. Students, teachers, teaching objectives, teaching contents and teaching environment
C. Students, teachers, teaching contents, teaching methods and teaching media
D. Students, teachers, teaching contents, teaching methods and teaching means
18. The creator of the heuristic teaching method of midwifery is (C)
A. Confucius b Plato c Socrates d Aristotle
19. Compulsory education is (a)
A. Compulsory education B. Primary education C. University education D. Secondary education
20. The starting point and destination of educational activities is (C)
A. Educational content B. Educational quality C. Educational purpose D. Educational policy
2 1。 The basic way for schools to fully realize the educational purpose is (D)
A. The work of the class teacher B. Teaching management C. Ideological and moral education D. Teaching of various subjects
22. According to the number of tasks completed in a class, the types of classes can be divided into (a)
A single class and comprehensive class B. New teaching consolidation class C. Lecture and practice class D. Theory class and practice class
23. The basic contradiction in the process of moral education is (D)
A. The contradiction between educators and educatees B. The contradiction between educators and the contents and methods of moral education
C. The contradiction between the educated and the contents and methods of moral education D. The contradiction between moral requirements and students' existing moral level
24. The representative figure of pragmatism education school is (C)
A. Bruner Spencer Dewey Locke
The slogan "education for all" was first put forward in (d).
A. slave society B. feudal society C. socialist society D. capitalist society
26. Belong to the secondary subject is (c)
A. School courses B. Elective courses C. Local courses D. Compulsory courses
27. The basic basis and standard for measuring and evaluating the effect of education implementation is (a)
A. Educational objectives B. Training objectives C. Curriculum objectives D. Teaching objectives
28. The creativity of teachers' work is mainly reflected in (d).
A. Make scientific discoveries B. Make technological inventions C. Explore the unknown D. Creative application of educational laws
29. Pay attention to the students' basic academic ability training course is (a)
A. Basic courses B. Extended courses C. Research courses D. Practical courses
30. The principle that is consistent with the principle of "learning without danger" put forward in the Book of Learning is (b)
A. Teaching students in accordance with their aptitude B. Step by step C. Inspiration D. Consolidation
3 1. The second level course is
A. School courses B. Local courses C. Compulsory courses D. Elective courses
32. The three factors that restrict the school curriculum are (C)
A.b. Political, economic and productivity levels
C. Society, knowledge and children D. Society, productivity and education system
33. makarenko's "parallel education influence" refers to ().
A. the principle of unity of knowledge and practice B. the principle of combining respect for trust with strict requirements
C. The principle of consistency and coherence of educational influence D. The principle of combining collective education with individual education
34. The central link in the teaching process is (C)
A. Stimulate learning motivation B. Consolidate knowledge C. Understand knowledge D. Use knowledge
35. The most basic method of ideological and moral education for students is (b)
A. Model demonstration B. Persuasion education C. Practice exercise D. Heart-to-heart method
36. The "parallel education influence" in makarenko refers to (d).
A. the principle of unity of knowledge and practice B. the principle of combining respect for trust with strict requirements
C. The principle of consistency and coherence of educational influence D. The principle of combining collective education with individual education
37. According to the course task, courses can be divided into basic courses, research courses and (b) courses.
A. Exploration course B. Expanding course C. Comprehensive course D. Practical course
38. The central link of the class teacher's work is (C)
A. understand and study students B. do individual education C. organize and train class groups D. unify all aspects of education.
39. The document that specifies the teaching purpose and task of the subject, the scope, depth and structure of knowledge, the teaching progress and the basic requirements of teaching methods is A..
A. syllabus B. teaching plan C. course D. teaching materials
40. The teaching organization form of B is to teach students textbooks in an unsystematic way, and only arrange self-study reference books and homework, so that students can learn by themselves and independently.
A. Individual teaching system B. Dalton system C. Group teaching system D. Design teaching method
4 1. The only way to realize people's all-round development is (b)
A. Combination of school education and social education B. Combination of education and productive labor
C. Combination of individual education and collective education D. Combination of traditional education and quality education
42. The curriculum evaluation model that advocates shifting the focus of evaluation from the expected results of the curriculum plan to the actual results of the curriculum plan is one.
A. objective free evaluation mode B. objective evaluation mode C. process evaluation mode D. CIPP evaluation mode
43. The moral principle of convincing people by reasoning and improving students' understanding of manpower is C.
A. Guiding principle B. Teaching students in accordance with their aptitude C. Guiding principle D. Parallel influence principle
44, "modern education" spokesperson is (C)
A, Comenius B, Kailov C, Dewey D, Herbart
45, the earliest theoretical work about the class teaching system is (a)
A, "Great Teaching Theory" B, "General Pedagogy" C, "Random Talk on Education" D, "People-oriented Doctrine and Education"
46, the relationship between teachers and students in the teaching level is (a)
A, the relationship between giving and receiving b, democracy and equality c, mutual promotion d, teaching and learning learn from each other.
47, "midwifery" the creator of this heuristic teaching method is (C)
A, Comenius B, Plato C, Socrates D, Aristotle
48, the basic way for schools to fully realize the purpose of education is (D)
A, class teacher's work B, teaching management C, moral education D, subject teaching
49. The theory that the task of teaching is to train students' ability and way of thinking is (B)
A, traditional education theory B, formal education theory C, substantive education theory D, modern education theory
50. As an independent discipline, pedagogy's landmark work is (B)
A. Great teaching theory B. General education C. People-oriented principle and education D. Random talk on education
5 1. On the issue of the motive force of people's physical and mental development, the representative figures of China's ancient endogenous theory are (a) A. Mencius B. Confucius C. Xunzi D. Han Yu.
52. The characteristic of the teacher-student relationship at the personality level is (C)
A. Give and receive. B. Promote each other. C. Democracy and equality. D. Be good at saving the lost.
53. The teacher-student relationship at the teaching level is characterized by (b)
A. Democracy and equality B. Giving and receiving C. Promoting each other D. Being good at recovering losses
54. The founder of the understanding moral education model is (A)
Peter? Macphail Bandura Piaget Kohlberg
55. The highest level of individual subjective initiative is (D)
A. Physical activities B. Psychological activities C. Emotional activities D. Social practice activities
56. The representative figure of traditional pedagogy is (a)
A, Herbart B, Comenius C, Kailov D, Dewey
57, on the issue of the motive force of people's physical and mental development, the representative figure of China's ancient external world theory is (B).
A, Mencius B, Xunzi C, Han Yu D, Confucius
58, the starting point and destination of education is (D)
A, training goal b, teaching goal c, curriculum goal d, education goal
59, the founder of cognitive moral education mode is (B)
A, Kohlberg B, Piaget C, Macphail D, Bandura
60. The book that embodies Plato's educational thought is (B)
A, Amir B, Utopia C, Random Talk on Education D, Pedagogy Syllabus
The teaching principle embodied in 6 1 and "learning is not backward" is (a)
A, step by step principle B, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude principle C, guiding principle D, guiding principle
62, the basic way of moral education in China is (B)
A, class teacher's work B, subject teaching C, Communist Youth League activities D, extracurricular activities.
63. The principle of teaching according to the logical system of the subject and the development order of students' cognition is (C).
A, the principle of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude B, the principle of consolidation C, the principle of gradual progress D, and the principle of intuition
64. Among the following options, the factor that directly affects an individual's physical and mental development is (b)
A. Political system B. Living environment C. Scientific and technological level D. Productivity development level
65, the basic spirit of the purpose of education in our country does not include (c)
A. train builders and successors of the socialist cause. B. demand all-round and harmonious development.
C. Respect teachers and parents. D. Emphasize the development of personality and the cultivation of creative spirit.
66. Moral education should be persuasive and convincing. This refers to the first part of moral education.
A. Guiding principles B. Principle of combining respect with strict requirements C. Guiding principles D. Principles of consistency and coherence
67, the influence of education on the political and economic system does not include (a)
A. Education reproduces scientific knowledge B. Education cultivates talents for the political and economic system
C. education is a public opinion force that affects politics.
68, educational purpose does not have (C)
A. Guiding role B. Evaluation role C. Consolidation role D. Incentive role
69. The basic ways for schools to carry out moral education for students purposefully, planned and systematically are (a)
A. Teaching of politics and other subjects B. Extracurricular activities C. Labor D. Work of the class teacher
Second, multiple-choice questions (this question 10 small questions, 2 points for each small question, a total of 20 points)
1. The effect of educational purpose on educational work is shown in (ACD)
A. Guidance B. Auxiliary C. Evaluation D. Motivation E. Supervision
2. The psychological structural element of students' ideology and morality is (ABCD)
A. moral understanding B. moral behavior C. moral emotion D. moral will E. moral education content
3. In the following description, (AC) can embody the teaching principle of step by step.
A. don't study too fast. B. Learning while learning C. Application does not attach importance to section D. "Water is also a thing, but it is not good for Yingke" E. "Look at each other and be good"
4. The organization forms of extracurricular education activities are (ACD)
A. Mass activities B. Spontaneous activities C. Group activities D. Individual activities E. Social activities
5. The forms of teaching organization in China are (ABC).
A. Class teaching system B. Individual teaching. C dalton system D. on-site teaching E. compound teaching
6. The task of general middle school education in China is (BD).
A. Training specialized personnel B. Training qualified freshmen for higher-level schools C. The role of training specialized knowledge
D. Deliver labor force reserve for society E. Cultivate students' outlook on life, world outlook and values
7. The basic methods of persuasion in moral education in China include (ABCDE).
A. Explain B. Talk C. Report D. Discuss E. Visit
8. Teachers' educational professional qualities include (ACD)
A. Educational concept B. Language expression ability C. Educational ability D. Research ability E. Organizational ability
9. The enlightening principle is (BC)
A. teaching and learning learn from each other. B. Don't be angry, don't talk, don't make a fuss. C. Talk about painting, be strong and restrained, and be open and expressive.
D. don't fall behind others. E. Teaching students in accordance with their aptitude
10. The basic feature of China's compulsory education teaching plan is (ACD)
A. Mandatory B. Comprehensive C. Universality D. Fundamentality E. Particularity
1 1. Teachers' educational professionalism includes (ACD)
A. Advanced educational concept B. Good language ability C. Teaching ability D. Research ability E. Management ability
12. The principle of gradualism is (ACD)
A. it's not too late to learn, and so on. B. Learning while learning C. Application D. Miscellaneous application without grandchildren, bad, chaotic. E. teaching students in accordance with their aptitude.
13. Teaching methods can be divided into (ABD)
A. Tell B. Tell C. Tell D. Say E. Speak and read.
14, the basic basis for choosing and using teaching methods is (ABCDE)
A. Teaching objectives and tasks B. Course nature and textbook characteristics C. Student characteristics D. Teaching conditions E. Teachers' own characteristics
15, the basic feature of China's compulsory education teaching plan is (ADE)
A, systematic B, comprehensive C, mandatory D, universality E, foundation
16. The basic feature of student culture is (BCDE)
A. Differences B. informality C. Transition D. Diversity E. Complementarity
17, the level of individual subjective initiative is (ABE)
A, physical activity B, psychological activity C, cognitive activity D, communication activity E, social practice activity
18, the main content of mental health education is (ADE)
A, study counseling B, emotional counseling C, communication counseling D, life counseling E, career counseling
19, the components of the all-round development of education in China include (ABDE)
A. Moral education B. Intellectual education C. Teaching D. Aesthetic education E. Labor and technical education
20. The general tasks of teaching include (BCDE)
A. Cultivate students' international vision B. Develop students' intelligence, physical strength and creativity.
C cultivate socialist morality and aesthetic taste, and lay the foundation for students' scientific world outlook.
D. teach basic knowledge and skills in this field. Pay attention to students' personality development
Third, the judgment question
1, all elements of modern productive forces have infiltrated the role of education. Therefore, in essence, education is a productive force. (×)
2. Modern teaching theory holds that, in a sense, teachers teach in order not to teach. (√)
3. At present, China is carrying out the reform of the education system and the labor and personnel system, and it is necessary to gradually implement the new system of "employment first, then training". (×)
4. The syllabus is an important document formulated and published by the school, which makes unified requirements and regulations for the teaching of a certain subject. (×)
People's practice plays a decisive role in people's development. (√)
6. Classroom is the central link of the whole teaching work and plays a leading and decisive role in other links. (√)
7. Extracurricular activities are the extension and continuation of classroom teaching. (×)
8. The basic method of moral education in parents' schools in society is the model education method. (×)
9. The role of education has penetrated into all elements of modern productive forces. Therefore, in essence, education is productivity. (×)
10. At present, China is carrying out the reform of the education system and the labor and personnel system, and it is necessary to gradually promote the new system of "employment first, then training". (×)
1 1. "Learning more is close to wisdom, and ignorance is incompetence." It shows that the mastery of knowledge is synchronous with the development of intelligence. (×)
12. Modern teaching theory holds that, in a sense, teachers' teaching means not teaching. (√)
13. Vocational and technical education belongs to vocational-oriented special education. (√)
14. Socialist education has a unified educational purpose. Therefore, all kinds of schools at all levels should have the same specific requirements for personnel training. (×)
15. The story of "Three Major Movements in Meng Mu" proves to us that environmental factors determine the direction and level of human development. (×)
16. "You should have a proper career when teaching and live on campus when you retire." Explain the importance and necessity of homework. (√)
17. "Learning more is close to wisdom, and ignorance is incompetence." It shows that the mastery of knowledge and the development of intelligence are synchronous. (×)
18. The interactive process between learning and teaching is a systematic process, which includes two elements: teachers and students. (√)
19. The essence of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude is to teach students according to the textbooks prescribed by the state. (×)
20. The relative independence of education means that it is independent from other social activities. (√)
2 1. The syllabus is an important document formulated and promulgated by the school, which makes unified requirements for the teaching of a certain subject. (×)
22. All elements of modern productive forces are permeated with the role of education. Therefore, in essence, education is productivity. (×)
23. Students are the main body of learning, and any teaching means should play a role through students. (√)
24. According to the course tasks, courses can be divided into three categories: foundation, expansion and research. (√)
25. A certain educational purpose is completely determined by a certain political and economic system. (×)
26. The main symbol of the formation of class collective is the establishment of the core of class collective leadership. (×)
27. Moral emotion plays an inspiring and regulating role in moral cognition and moral behavior. (√)
28. The basic method of ideological and moral education for students is the example method. (×)
29. The cognitive model of moral education was put forward by Kohlberg of the United States. (×)
30. According to the course tasks, courses can be divided into three categories: foundation, expansion and research. (√)
3 1. The interaction between learning and teaching is a systematic process, which includes two systems: students and teachers. (√)
32. The educational content of our slave society is three subjects and four studies. (×)
33. In a sense, teachers teach in order not to teach. (√)
34. Vocational and technical education belongs to vocational-oriented special education. (√)
35. The head teacher plays a central role in organizing class education. (√)
36. The fundamental purpose of teaching is to cultivate people with all-round development. (×)
37. Ausubel believes that receiving learning is a mechanical learning, while discovering learning is a meaningful learning. (×)
38. Compulsory education is mass education. (√)
39. Comenius' great teaching theory is considered as the beginning of the formation of an independent discipline of pedagogy. (√)
40. Extracurricular activities are an extension of classroom teaching. (×)
4 1. Classroom is the central link of the whole teaching work and plays a leading and decisive role in other links. (√)
42. The cognitive model of moral education was put forward by Piaget of Switzerland. (√)
43. Teaching focuses on imparting knowledge and mastering knowledge, thus promoting the all-round development of students' body and mind. (×)
44. Herbart's General Pedagogy is regarded as the beginning of the formation of an independent discipline of pedagogy. (×)
45. Exercise is a way to cultivate students' moral character imperceptibly by creating good situations. (×)
46. Evaluation refers to the judgment of the behavior, advantages and disadvantages or value of the testee according to the test scores, observations and reports. (√)
47. The course arrangement should follow three principles: integrity, stability and mobility. (×)
48. By creating a good situation, the method of cultivating students' moral character imperceptibly is called exercise. (×)
49. Management by objectives is a management mode centered on self-management. (√)
50. The validity of the test refers to the consistency of the test results after many measurements. (×)
5 1. The principle of gradual progress refers to teaching in the order of students' cognitive development. (×)
52. Paying attention to the cultivation of innovative spirit and practical ability is the core connotation of quality education. (√)
53. The highest level of individual subjective initiative is psychological activity. (×)
54. The internal driving force of the teaching process is the contradiction between the teaching task and the needs and level of students to complete the task. (√)
55. The cognitive model of moral education was founded by Kohlberg. (×)
56. The first academic system implemented in modern China was the Renyin academic system. (×)
Comenius advocated "holistic education", not just emphasizing religious education. (√)
Online education refers to the construction of "online schools" on the Internet. ( ×)
59. What subjects to offer is the central issue in the teaching plan. (√)
60. The most common contradiction in the process of moral education is the contradiction between moral requirements and students' current moral level. (√)
6 1. The biggest feature of teachers' profession lies in the diversification of professional roles. (√)
62。 In order to accomplish specific teaching tasks, the structure in which teachers and students combine to carry out activities according to certain requirements is called the organizational form of teaching and learning. (√)
63. The earliest work that theoretically expounded the class teaching system was (study notes). ( ×)
64. For most students, the goal of mental health education is to eliminate students' psychological barriers and improve their mental health. ( ×)
65. Teachers and students form a democratic and equal relationship in the teaching of educational content. ( ×)
67. Maturity provides possibilities and limitations for the appearance of physical and mental characteristics at a certain age. (√ )
68. The most striking feature of teachers' profession lies in the diversification of professional roles. (√ )
69. In the process of moral education, the general education and training sequence of knowledge, emotion, will and action must be observed. (× )
The educational thought of "parallel influence" refers to the combination of praise and criticism. (×)
7 1. Extracurricular activities are the extension and continuation of classroom teaching. (× )
72. The intrinsic motivation of the teaching process is the contradiction between teaching tasks and students' needs and actual level. (√ )
73. Paying attention to the cultivation of innovative ability is the fundamental difference between modern education and traditional education. (√ )
74. Traditional school education is hierarchical education, and online education is equal and open education. (√)
75. Education is a unique social phenomenon of human beings, which is always accompanied by human society. (√)
76. In modern society, the boundaries between academic education and non-academic education are becoming clearer and clearer. (×)
77. Education can promote democracy. (√)
78. Teaching is the main part of education and the basic way of education. (√)
79. Education came into being with the appearance of human beings and developed with the development of society. (√)
80. Productivity restricts education, and education also promotes productivity. (√)
8 1, the formation of students' ideological and moral character has a long-term and repeated law. (√)
82. In modern society, the degree of internationalization of education is getting lower and lower. (×)
Fourth, short answer questions
1. What are the basic stages for students to master knowledge and skills in the teaching process? p 1 19
2. Briefly describe the basic requirements of applying the method of edifying education. P 16 1
3. What is the content of teacher education professionalism? p8 1
4. How to implement the teaching principle of step by step? p 124
5. How to understand the leading role of school education in human development? p52
6. What are the specific requirements for a good class? p 134
7. What are the basic requirements for implementing the heuristic teaching principle? p 122
8. What is the general task of primary and secondary school teaching? p 1 10
9. Briefly describe the role of education in promoting the development of science and technology. P32
10. What are the basic requirements for using this teaching method? p 127
1 1. Briefly describe the main modes of curriculum evaluation. P 105
12. Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of the class teaching system. P 1 19
13. Briefly describe the process structure of curriculum implementation. P 102
14. Briefly describe the development trend of modern education system. P4
15. What are the modes of class management? p 174
16. Briefly describe the basic characteristics and main types of teaching strategies. P 142
17. Briefly describe the basic principles of moral education in middle schools in China. P 157
18. What is the dialectical relationship between mastering knowledge and developing intelligence? p 1 16
19. Briefly describe the basic requirements of moral education goals in senior high schools. P 149
20. What kind of student view should modern teachers establish? P72
2 1. Briefly describe the factors affecting individual development and their functions. P48
22. How to understand and implement the principle of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude? p 125
23. Briefly describe the characteristics of student culture. P4 1
24. How to understand and implement moral education evaluation methods? p 162
25. How should a class teacher understand and study students? p 185
26. Briefly describe the structure of the teaching process and its main tasks. P 1 19
27. Briefly describe teachers' educational professionalism. P8 1
28. Briefly describe the basic characteristics of the class collective. P 179
29. Briefly describe the influence of education on the political and economic system. P24
30. Briefly describe the role of textbooks. P 100
3 1. Briefly describe the new features of educational reform and development after the 20th century. P9
32. What is the professional quality of teachers? P80
33. Briefly describe the main factors that restrict the curriculum. P9 1
34. Briefly describe the dialectical relationship between teachers' leading role and students' initiative. P 1 17
35. What are the requirements for aesthetic education in ordinary middle schools in China? P69
36. How to implement the principle of gradual progress in teaching? P 124
37. What are the requirements for physical education in ordinary middle schools in China? P69
38. How to implement the principle of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude in moral education? P 125
Verb (abbreviation of verb) On the Problems of Literature
1. On the special role of school education in individual development. P52
2. Discuss how education adapts to the general law of individual physical and mental development. P46
3. Discuss the meaning and basic requirements of the moral education principle of "combining respecting students with strictly demanding students". P 157
4. Try the teaching law of "the unity of mastering knowledge and developing intelligence", and briefly comment on "Formal Education Theory" and "Substantive Education Theory" p 1 16.
Since 1980s, mankind has ushered in the third information technology revolution, which has had a fundamental impact on education. What changes will the third information technology revolution bring to education? P34
6. On the professional conditions of modern teachers' profession. P80
7. Compare the differences between traditional school education and online education, and analyze the disadvantages of institutionalized education. P35
8. Contrastively analyze the characteristics of Herbart's traditional education theory and Dewey's modern education theory. P 17
9. Try to analyze "teacher-centered theory" and "child-centered theory" from the combination of teachers' leading role and students' initiative. P 1 17
10. Combining with the essential meaning of quality education, this paper analyzes the defects of "exam-oriented education". P67
1 1. On the basic links of teaching and their relations. P 130
12. How to understand and implement the intuitive principle of teaching? P 12 1
13. How to understand and apply the moral education methods of praise, reward and criticism? P 162
14. On the dialectical relationship between knowledge, emotion, will and action in the process of moral education. P 154
15. Discuss the influence of education on the political and economic system. P24
16, discussing the decisive role of productivity in education. P26