We can train more excellent talents: everyone may have different views on this. Some people think that college education should be aimed at more people, but others think that college education should be aimed at some people, so Bian Xiao thinks that everyone has different views. However, Bian Xiao believes that if the country really wants to train senior professionals, it must educate a few people, so that education will have more advantages and better talents can be cultivated. Therefore, Bian Xiao believes that this educational model also has certain advantages, because it can train a large number of professionals, so it can also promote social progress and development.
It can improve the quality of education: if university education is aimed at a large number of people, it can also explain to some extent that the educational resources of universities are actually relatively open, but this educational model may lead to a decline in the quality of education, because teachers are faced with too many people, so it is impossible for teachers to teach one-on-one But every student has different ideas, so it is very important to teach students in accordance with their aptitude. Therefore, to some extent, it can improve the education quality of college students. Because the educational model is aimed at a wide range of people, we will get more educational opportunities at this time.
Lee Kuan Yew, the first prime minister of Singapore, said: "For Singaporeans, regardless of race, religion or language, the talented young generation should receive the best education and give full play to their potential." Under the guidance of this idea, Singapore is implementing elite education. The idea is to satisfy high-quality students with high-quality educational resources first, so as to maximize the educational effect. It has the best education system in the world. The biggest advantage of primary education in Singapore is that the subject setting is very reasonable.
The indoctrination education model makes mathematics slowly boring, which makes many children have the psychology of resisting this subject. In contrast, mathematics education in Singapore is more "humanistic beauty". Its main characteristics are life and visualization, and learning should be very close to life. Children know how to apply mathematics to their lives at an early age, or apply things from their lives to mathematics. In his view, mathematics can not be learned quickly in the end, so children should gradually cultivate their interest in life, explore and accumulate slowly, and lay a good foundation in a subtle way.