In biblical times, the word "stick" (Hebrew, Schabert) means "stick" or "stick", just as shepherds used it. In the process of raising children, the rod of authority means kind guidance rather than cruel abuse.
Experts believe that the lack of clear boundaries may be the root cause of juvenile delinquency. Dr Bernard Shaw mentioned above said: "If parents indulge their children and never say' no' or restrain them, children will never understand that others also have their own lives, needs, thoughts and feelings. It is difficult for a child who lacks compassion to show love to others. "
Dr Stanton Samino has many years of experience in dealing with juvenile problems. He expressed the same view. He said: "Some parents think that children should not be bound, and naively think that setting boundaries or regulations will increase their burden and deprive them of a happy childhood. Such an idea may lead to tragic consequences. Parents don't understand that if children are rarely restricted, it may be difficult to be self-disciplined. "
Caring parents will not indulge their children and turn a blind eye to their mistakes. Instead, they will discipline their children, correct their mistakes as soon as possible, and prevent their deep-rooted bad habits from being difficult to correct.
In recent decades, many experts have encouraged parents to satisfy their children's wishes as much as possible, not to correct and discipline their children, but to praise them regardless of their performance. Experts believe that if children feel great at an early age, they will be full of confidence when they grow up. But what did this lead to? The book My Generation says: "The self-esteem promotion movement has not only created happy and adaptable children, but also created a group of small narcissists."
Does this mean that parents need to be strict with their children? No, setting boundaries is just an effective way to discipline. If it is too strict, too many restrictions will make the family atmosphere tense. The Bible says, "Fathers, don't make your children angry, lest they lose their ambition." (Colossians 3: 21; Ephesians 6:4)
So parents should constantly review the methods of education and discipline. This is especially important for children who are growing up and beginning to mature. Perhaps parents can relax restrictions or adjust regulations according to their children's responsibility. (Philippians 4:5)