According to The Analects of Confucius, people can summarize Confucius' teaching contents from different angles: "Four things of teaching: writing, conduct, loyalty and faithfulness" and The Analects of Confucius refer to four basic aspects of teaching contents. Among them, "action, loyalty and faith" are all requirements of moral education. Confucius said, "Disciple, if you enter, you will be filial; if you leave, you will be sincere; if you believe, you will believe; if you love others all the time, you will be kind." If you have extra energy, you will study literature. "To learn the Analects of Confucius, we must first be a member of society whose conduct conforms to moral standards, followed by learning cultural knowledge. Therefore, in the educational content of Confucius, moral education is in the first place, and the study of cultural knowledge must serve moral education.