When he entered the palace, he was afraid of being felt for a long time. He was stabbed to death by the chef Sura and took his place. Fortunately for the emperor, it was strange that he saw the public appearance stand out. He said, "Why are you in the kitchen?" Yes, he said, "a thin statement is a good cook." The emperor said, "Even so, there is no shame in being considerate today!" Yes, he said, "A gentleman should do everything. Now with Sura's body, I work in the temple, and my son is called deviant. " The emperor looked around and praised, "What a surprise! It will not be mediocre. "
In May of the eighth year of Kangxi, assistant minister Ao Bai was arrested. At first, the emperor learned that Ao Bai was arbitrary and chaotic, and he was worried about his numerous wings. He chose young and powerful people, such as Tang A's guards and admirers, who were often used to slap, and the people were among them. That day, Ao Bai entered the meeting and even the guards were tied up. Ao Bai tried to rely on the emperor to protect himself, but the public rose up to attack him and broke his double share, which was a capture.
One company listed Bai's top 30 sins, so he asked his family to punish him. When, in the side, to show the emperor. The emperor retreated everywhere. Gong Yue said, "Ao Bai has been in business for more than ten years, and he is deeply rooted in the Party. As soon as he was arrested, there was a panic in the government and the public. If you don't do it, you will be safe. " The emperor was born. Then he wrote a letter saying, "Ao Bai is ignorant and sincere about the Yi people. I think for a long time, I have made meritorious deeds, and I die, regardless. " The Cabinetshi Read, a public official. In June, the Political Department of the Senate was passed. In July, he moved the General Political Envoy to the General Political Envoy and took the lead in Xiao Qi.
In the first month of nine years, he entered Manchuria to carry the flag, moved to Xiaoqiying, and unified the deputy flag-bearer of Huang Zheng. In May, he received a bachelor's degree from imperial academy and was ordered to compile the code.
In the first month of 10, the Mongolian Su Nite Department and the 4th Division starved to death by heavy snow, so they were sent to Gongji. In April, he was ordered to compile Taizong Xun. Dongyue, the first viscount of Jin.
Eleven years in July, was sent to Yunnan to kill the army. The emperor knew for a long time that Wu Sangui, the king of the day, wanted to get rid of it, but many people proposed to protect Sangui. Qi Huangong rebelled against the Emperor, saying, "It would be premature to force the King of the West. On the one hand, it is easy to flatten, on the other hand, the teacher is famous, and no one can say anything. " The emperor is the right to pay the public, and he is cheap.
When they arrived in Yunnan for a banquet, everyone laughed and said, "People say that the king wants to go against the sky." Sangui was stunned and could not be right. Gong said, "What I saw today is not true." Sangui said, "You can't trust the words of traitors." Gong said, "On the contrary, I want to be emperor. Today, the place where you live is not as luxurious as the king; Clothes are not as beautiful as the king; Eating is not the essence of king. What is the opposite desire! " Sangui was startled and said, "Solitary and frugal. Adults patrol the sky and dare not slow down. " Gong laughed and said, "Confucius said,' If you are rich, you will be rich.' Wang, you can use it. We should share it with the king. "Sangui exultation, know public bribery, hence heavily. Qi Huangong said to Sangui, "The king is a very important minister. People often praise the king and say that he wants to rebel. " Sangui was surprised and said, "So what? What is this? " The duke said, "the king should show his will by withdrawing from the vassal state." Wang is an important minister of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and he is not allowed to attend classes. So solvable. "
Fang Fang, the aide of the king of the day, called Gong Yin and said, "The king of the day abandoned the ancestral temple, shouldered the notoriety of the world, and opened up the territory with the first emperor. I was criticized today, and the king didn't care. I think I hate it. " Gong said, "At the beginning, the first emperor and Li were the scales, the king was the most important, and those who followed the crowd decided the world. If it is a big step in the past, why is it a corner of today? " Chen turned pale and said, "This is an unfavorable statement, so be careful!" " Gong angrily said, "I am a Han Chinese, and I am committed to Tatar today. I will come out of the wall when I have sex in the future! "
In July of 12th year, Sanshu requested to be dismissed from his post. Xu zhi. In August, assistant minister Zheerken and bachelor Fu Dali were sent to Yunnan, and the manager was removed. In the twelfth month, Sangui rebelled. Sangui wrote a book to the public and asked for a name. Qi Huangong said: "In the past, Zhu expelled the Tatars, but he did not return them to Zhao. Wang Dang is self-reliant. " Gong Sui wrote to Shangkexi, king of Pingnan, Geng, general of Guangxi, Zheng Jing, and Huang Zongxi, who refused to obey Ming orthodoxy in a few words and wanted to be emperor themselves.
In the first month of the thirteenth year, he sent the public to Yangzhou to kill the army. The correct capitals, Shi Yu and Wu Zhirong, violated the traffic and the public punished it. At that time, Liang Qingbiao, the minister of household affairs, and He Jiayou, the doctor, went to Guangdong, and the manager withdrew from San Francisco. Tao Yangzhou, known as Qing Biao and Jia You, said, "When you arrive in Guangdong, it is said that Jia Shangfan will stay in Guangdong." Qing Biao said in horror: "This is a false imperial edict!" Gong said, "hurry! When you are in power! Looking for the sun is coming! " In February, the public sent a letter to Sangui, saying that the temple was in trouble and was willing to rule the river for it. In the twelfth lunar month, the prefect king of Guyuan rebelled.
In March of 14th year, Mongolian Bourny rebelled, and ordered the county king Oza to be General Fuyuan, a university student, a public servant and a general. In October, or had a close relationship with Zheng inverse, and secretly married Zhuang's daughter, Sangui's granddaughter, Mu's daughter, and his wife, and plotted against Zheng. The emperor said, "Why do wives and concubines turn against thieves?" Right: "All taken from national subjugation." The emperor smiled. Resign in public, refuse, resign.
In February of the fifteenth year, the great scholar was General Fu Yuan, who unified Qin and killed Wang. The official handed the book to the emperor and said, "Wu lives in Hunan and Hubei, and the assistant minister changed to Shaanxi and Gansu and became arrogant." Guanshan, the ridge of the world, is very important today, and it is really the peace of the world. The assistant minister's mind was attached to the grace of the country, and he was rebellious for a while. If you can name a scholar, you will come back. I am older than the assistant minister. Although I am white, I would like to talk about it. "At that time, Zhou Chang also advised Tu Hai that he wanted to be an assistant minister. The emperor often ordered the imperial edict to be taken down and the people to Pingliang for help. In June, the king was captured. Volkswagen entered the second class of loyalty and courage in white.
In October of the sixteenth year, the public summoned Sangui to persuade him to be the emperor.
In March of the seventeenth year, Sangui proclaimed himself emperor. As a college student, I worship the people far away. In August, Sangui died and the book was entrusted to the public. The emperor said, "It's amazing that Sangui relies on the Qing Dynasty instead of Guo Zhuangtu, Fang, Xia Guoxiang and Hu Zhiliu!" Gong said to him, "Sangui knows that she will be defeated, so she has this trust." The emperor said, "What did you say?" He said, "Wu Shifan's mediocre people beg for their lives." The emperor said, "Say yes. There were many loyal people in ancient times, and those who could do their own thing were only Qing. " However, Zhao Ning's Nanjing Jingkou General Duo Luo said, "Break Kunming, bring Wu Shifan to Beijing and escort her to Beijing."
In the winter of 18th year, Huang Zheng Banner served as deputy commander-in-chief of Xiaoqi Battalion. Wang Jinbao, Shaanxi's prefect, and Zhao Liangdong, Shaanxi's general, entered Sichuan to suppress the rebellion.
/kloc-In the first month of 0/9, Wang Pingfan and Wu Zhimao were defeated in Baoning.
In February of 20 years, he received a bachelor's degree from imperial academy. In August, Bai Lian turned against the Party and sent people to suppress it. In September, he broke the anti-party in Shanxi and was named Batulu. In October, he was ordered to go to Shengjing to worship heaven. December, made in Luo Cha.
In July of the 21st year, the ministers of Locha returned, and Jin was the first-class brave. /kloc-in October, his wife died and Mrs. Erpin was posthumously awarded. The University of Technology got scared and renamed the sleeping place Waste Art Studio.
At the beginning, Wu and princess royal Jianning were unhappy all day. Gong and princess royal are good friends, and they often serve their wives and concubines. princess royal is also a blessing to the imperial court. Twenty-two years in the first month, played too queen mother allowed, to marry princess royal in public, solid words. In August, Shi Lang's book contractor entered Taiwan Province Province, and Zheng Keshuang went to Liu Guoxuan and other places to meet and surrender, and Taiwan Province Province was flat. The college student's demand map shows: "Today, Taiwan Province is shallow, Taiwan Province people don't rely on it, and the situation is self-inclined. There are dozens of surprises a day, although it is impossible to be safe. Loyal and brave, advanced and backward, and Chen Yonghua are old together, so that he can care for Taiwan and will be able to settle down. " Pearl of College Students and Letter from Prince Kang Jie were also recommended to the public. He was a second-class loyal servant of Duke Xiang of Jin, and was given the title of Prince Taibao. He ordered him to go to Taiwan Province to comfort the people. The court deliberated that Taiwan Province Province left overseas alone, which made it easy to become a thief and wanted to abandon it. It is better to caress the public instrument than to move it. It's a stop. In September, thanks to Wutai Mountain, Feng Taihou followed suit.
In the first month of the 23rd year, the emperor gave a banquet in honor of He Chun, making his ministers righteous. Sototo attached a couplet saying: "People live longer with each passing day", Pearl said: "Doing all the exercises in spring", and the public title said: "More than one year". Tong Guogang, commander-in-chief of the Han army in Xianghuang Banner, praised: "This is definitely a prosperous time!" Emperor Da Yue. Luo Cha, located in jaxa and Nebuchadnezzar, cut off its trade. Taking the public as the general of Fuyuan, the third-class Lu of Jin Dynasty arrived with Sabusu. In July, Luo Cha was defeated by jaxa. Huang Zongxi wrote a secret letter to Gong, urging him to be emperor, and said that he was willing to say that Wu and Zheng opposed the old teaching staff, which was shared by Confucian scholars all over the world. The official letter to Zong said: "The sages wrote four books and spread them all over the world to be close to the people. Today, we have made great efforts to save the disaster, which is not comparable to previous dynasties. A gentleman does his own thing without overstepping the rules. One is Minister A Qing, and the other is a Confucian scholar. When he is in the upper body, he will be merciful to Li Shu, and he will see Hua Yi, which will cause untold pain. This is the so-called opposite direction. Confucius said, "I am not complacent because Su Yi Di did what I did. "What does it mean that the Han people hold the world?" Zong stopped in shame.
In the first month of twenty-four years, he was ordered to go to Heilongjiang for help, and Lin led Fujian rattan soldiers to follow. Bandal Shah, Bao Tong and Marashin joined the army. Listen to public restraint. Ten banners in Horqin, Mongolia were ordered to pay tribute to the Heilongjiang army for cattle and sheep. In May, Qi Huangong attacked Jacques Sarkozy, and Luo Cha came to help. Lin led rattan soldiers to meet in the river, break it, sink its ship, and the leader Eric begged for surrender. In June, the imperial edict said, "eros invaded our frontier and invaded many people, including Oroqen, Soren, Hezhe and Feiyake, which occupied 40 years in jaxa. Outstanding performance today, the person in charge is salty and excellent. Where the officers and men want to stay forever is to have a meeting. " Second class Lou. The emperor ordered Yu Chenglong, an Anhui provincial judge, to rule the river, and the official said, "If you are upright, you can hold the temple and live in peace, so you can be straight." Governing the river, I'm afraid there's something I can't do. "Later, Jackie Chan was defeated.
Twenty-five years in the first month, eros returned to jaxa, ordered all the teachers. In August, Sabusu wrote to the guild, surrounded the city of Jacques, stopped its aid division, and decided to join the army with Bo. In September, Ambassador Eros Chahan Khan came to ask about the siege of jaxa. Xu zhi.
In the first month of the 26th year, a medical officer was sent to treat the illness of Staff Sergeant Jacques, and Rocha was originally treated by a doctor. In July, eros sent envoys to make peace and ordered people to evacuate.
In March, 27, the Interior Minister Soto, the Governor Ao, and the military adviser were sent to Shi to discuss the boundary with eros.
In April of 28, I ordered Sototo and others to go to Nebuchadnezzar Chu and set a boundary with Gong Hui and eros. In the twelfth lunar month, Soetu Bao Shu, the minister of guilds, reached an agreement with eros to set up a monument on earth with Nebuchadnezzar Chu as the boundary and five-style documents as the monument. The emperor was very happy and wrote a poem to Jia Gong, saying, "Wan Li is like the Great Wall, with strict barriers and flags flying. Appease to the border to uncover the cloth and show off the Thai level. " Jin first-class land, the mother sealed the wife a product, and the father posthumously presented the first-class pomp.
In the first month of 29 years, he was sent to Mongolia for relief. In March, he was ordered to command Enna, the guards commanded Malai, and the striker commanded Fu Shuo to lead his division to Mongolia to meet the public. He obeyed the constraints and recruited Erut. 10, was ordered to write "Add and Delete Oracle Inscriptions".
For 30 years, he was ordered to write "Zhouyi Shentongqi".
Thirty-one years, was ordered to write "authentic divination".
In February of thirty-six years, the emperor marched in Gordan himself, and the people followed. In April, Galdin died of drug abuse. In May, I returned to Beijing. 10, was sent to Yangzhou to build Shi Kefa Temple.
For forty years, he was ordered to compile the integration of ancient and modern books.
In the first month of forty-four years, Ding Mu was worried.
1March, 947, was ordered to compile Kangxi Dictionary.
In April of fifty-two years, he was ordered to compile Zhouyi eclecticism. The academician courtyard edited Dai Mingshi's inverse book as the title, and his colleague Fang Bao was beheaded. The public instrument asks for it, and the emperor is natural.
In July of fifty-three, Chen Ruxian, the suggestion, said that the public should ask the Ministry for an affair with the remaining party of the previous dynasty. The emperor said, "A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. The public saw a dangerous wall and it was rushing forward. What is it? " Right: "Fix it with the power of China." People often do things like appeasement, surrender and enlightenment, so the emperor doesn't care if he says this. October, begging for rest. Not allowed. Real words.
In the first month of sixty-one, I took the exam as a college student. In the winter moon, the emperor was unprepared, and secretly said, "I feel exhausted physically and mentally, and I will not be able to afford it." The emperor's second son, Yin Yong, was a mediocre man because of his mother's death. His second son was a shop. I am deeply disappointed. Yin Zhen, the fourth son of the emperor, is strong and resolute, with the style of Emperor Taizong, and wants to be the crown prince. However, it is not my wish that the bird's mouth is fickle and the wolf cares about the machine. In the future, misfortune will come from the mouth, and brothers and sisters will be ruined. Anyone else who is established can be self-determined. The public is the regent, assisting the new king for ten years. I am fortunate to have a public friend in this life. One day he will drive a crane to the west, and one day he will be happy again. "DiBen.
In April of Yongzheng three years, Yue Zhongqi, governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi, issued a complaint to Nian Gengyao. In the twelfth lunar month, Li Wei, the governor of Zhejiang Province, was ordered to accept Nian Gengyao. The next Minister of State, the Third Law Department, and Jiuqing are in charge of the princess. Use the vocabulary of disease.
In five years, Cao Fu, a weaver girl in Jiangning, took all the blame and survived the death, but she was not registered.
Ten years, beg for a break. Allow it. The emperor wrote a poem, saying, "The two dynasties did not attach importance to Yuan ministers, and wuyue in Nanping decided Qin in the west. Zhong Ding's fame hangs on the sun and the moon, and Danqing's career draws Kirin. "
/kloc-in August of 0/3, the emperor told the public that "the imperial examination was on the verge of collapse. He taught me and my brothers to be honest with my father and what I said, so I didn't expect to leave first. Officials are officials, and the emperor tested Zhao Gong to help me. We think it's your pleasure. The four sons of the emperor spread the calendar and wanted to build it into a shop. I think the courtiers in the DPRK have no trustees. I dare not answer Zhao Gong's imperial examination. I would like to be an emperor's teacher and teach him to be considerate, knowledgeable, sincere and upright. My life is short, because it has no eyes. Governing the country and leveling the world is like passive water. People in their eighties and nineties really don't feel comfortable asking for things. I am willing to be entrusted by the public, and I will worship again. "
Twenty years of winter. The emperor was afraid. He personally offered a tea toast, wrote poems for the emperor, gave 5,200 pieces of silver for the funeral, and helped 5,200 pieces himself. No children, except the country. History says, from worshipping Confucius Temple. After five years of Jiaqing, it is still said that the public is not the right way to be an official, and the system is closed. Jiaqing seven years, to Shi Wenzhong.
Gong Shao is good friends with Huang Zongxi, Gu, Cha Jizuo. In the seventeenth year of Kangxi, the emperor ordered the imperial edict to be learned, and issued a book to recommend Zong Xi to the emperor. In the eighteenth year of Kangxi, Xu Du, a bachelor of cabinet, compiled the history of Ming Dynasty and recommended Zong Xi. , and was recruited into the history museum. The emperor sent Malki, the governor of the south of the Yangtze River, to the public to pay homage to his mother. Gong said that Zong said, "In the past, Qin Shihuang and Han people burned my holy book and cheated me. Today, there is no opinion from China people about using Han officials, learning Sinology, compiling Han history and releasing Confucius. Time, time, will change. " Zong Xi was silent, so he let hundreds of children into the history museum.
The public likes reading, and he is good at it, but he is reluctant to leave. Also, Zhang's cursive script, Le Bihuan and Cai are chess players of Wang and Guo. Good at martial arts and interpretation of astronomy. He is so versatile and sincere. When I was young, I studied painting, and the name of the yin topic was drooping. I use it as a fake for my family, so I can't tell which drooping person it is. He smiled and said, "I am pursuing fame, but I am pursuing fame." The sage hid a picture of a willow bathing bird, which was stolen by the eunuch to crack. The emperor was sorry to announce the past of the emperor, saying that he actually made it himself and redone it for the emperor. The emperor was very happy and said, "The man who made me famous is also a man!" " Others, such as Youxi boating, Mosong, Banana Bamboo Stone, Gumei, etc., are all from the hands of the public.
There are many male students, including Yuan Mei in poems, Zheng Xie in paintings, Liu Yong in books, Wang Zongyue in martial arts, Wu Xuan in music, Fan Shixun in Weiqi, Dai Zhen in exegesis, Ji Yun in history, Zhao Yi in history, and Yi Huidong, all of whom are famous all over the world. Taste for the emperor, give the emperor music, and go.
There is a collection of literary official documents handed down from generation to generation, with 5 poems13, 32 words1word, 50 poems, 3 poems in Yuefu 19, 3 poems in Sao style, 3 praises 17, 5 words and comments.
His wife, Zhuang Hongyi, co-wrote Xuan, Pu, Yuan Gossip, Tie, New Five Dynasties History and Handed Down from Generation to Generation.
His wife Zhuang, named Chan Yuan, is also from Wucheng, Zhejiang. Father Long Ting privately wrote a book against this incident, and his wife even sat in Heilongjiang. Gong Yin bribed the jailer to solve the problem and followed his wife. My wife is talented and virtuous. She is good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, medical astrology, textual research and writing, and martial arts. The public tried to sleep in the name of Hony. At the beginning, the public was good at conspiracy, which was unfavorable. Everyone thought it was ok, and the public agreed. The lady said to the public, "My husband is plotting. If you walk at night, the more expensive the gold is, the more people you see. " If there is no embarrassment, then the body and mind can be safe. "The public said," things are transformed, and people are unpredictable. How can I settle down? "The lady said," The benevolent is invincible. What's the situation? "Male big Wu Kangxi died in October 21, after sealing the second lady. Have a daughter. There is a collection of Buddhist temples handed down from generation to generation.
Wu, also reply. He also compiled a draft of Qing history to openly kill his ancestors, hate his people, and hide his name in the book. After the investigation, after the investigation, he praised the righteousness of the public and wrote a book for it, called Lushan Gong. The public courtyard is famous all over the world.
Tai Shi Niu said: I saw "Hong Yi Yuan Eight Diagrams", which was amazing, but I didn't see my public name in the official history. This paper records the official business contained in the Records of the Holy Father's Mansion, Chronicle of Zhang Kangxi and Yuan Gossip for public dissemination.