Teacher Wang should not specialize in teaching, his responsibility is to teach people to be human; A student should not specialize in reading; His duty is to learn the way of life.
We find that children are creative. Knowing that children are creative will further emancipate their creativity.
Living talent education is not to instill knowledge, but to give students as many keys as we know to develop cultural treasures.
Because morality is the foundation of being a man, even if you have some knowledge and skills, it is useless.
Games are the way for children to know the world. They live in this world and have the mission of transforming this world.
The most beautiful year is spring, and the most beautiful life is dedication, spreading all the teachers' love and making children grow sturdily.
Give your child a ray of sunshine and the child will give you a sun! Love with your heart and try to be the best.
Educators had better let nature take its course instead of sticking to the rules; Rather than seeking unity, it is better to show individuality.
Before reaching the age of rationality, children can't accept ideas, only images.
Early education should be a kind of entertainment, so it is easier to find a natural hobby.
Education can't create anything, but it can stimulate children's creativity and engage in creative work.
Children's behavior, out of nature, but also because of the environment and change, so Kong Rong will let pears.
1% waste in education will cause serious losses to the country.
For parents, family education is self-education first, Krupskaya.
More care, more rest assured; More love, more trust.
Broad spirit, active imagination and diligent mind: genius.
People who are touched by words are not deeply impressed; Move people to the walkers. They should be quick.
Respect children and don't rush to judge their quality.
When a child is happy, it is easier for him to learn anything.
Caring for every child, their growth is my greatest happiness.
The teacher's teaching is not the total prize, but the camera induction.
To judge beauty, you must have a cultivated mind.
A good personality is better than excellent intelligence.
Strange inventions, the starting point is to ask.
Education for the public and the world for the public.