There are still nearly five months of hard work before the exam. If the foundation is not good, we should recite the teaching materials in a down-to-earth manner. Only by remembering the knowledge first can you know how to use it and get 20~30 points! Don't believe me, that's how I got here!
One month before the exam, brush the real questions of the college entrance examination, and you won't panic when you see the questions, because you are already familiar with the mode of the college entrance examination.
Even if it is only a week away from the college entrance examination, you can find a good state and promote the extraordinary play of the college entrance examination! Tianxing Education's "Pre-test Prediction Cheats Volume" was originally written by 10, and the whole scene was written, with more than two volumes! Big data betting, high simulation drills, and more accurate betting. Do you know the proposer? Touched the critics. Well said. Find the loophole of losing points, give points individually and practice skillfully. Learn from Xueba, adjust your mentality and play the examination room steadily. The scene of "exam-explanation-practice-exam-taking" is fully covered, and the simulation exercise before the exam stimulates the potential of the examination room! The whole product is interlocking and coordinated as a whole, giving you a complete experience of betting questions, practicing the college entrance examination in advance, and making the college entrance examination room your second chance!