Word source:
Lu Xun's In Vitro Collection: "Impression is natural, just like what was originally created on wood."
Creative orientation:
Curriculum creation orientation refers to taking curriculum as an educational experience created by teachers and students, and curriculum implementation is essentially a process of creating new educational experience in a specific educational situation. And the course plan is just a choice tool. The nature of this course is typical of experience curriculum. The technical and procedural characteristics of curriculum implementation have been completely eliminated, and curriculum implementation is no longer based on the original curriculum plan.
This makes the word "curriculum implementation" deviate from its original meaning in a sense. From the perspective of curriculum creation orientation, teachers are the developers of the curriculum. Students and teachers become the main body of constructing positive educational experience. The process of curriculum creation is the continuous growth of teachers and students. "
The difference between creative orientation and mutual adaptation orientation;
The difference between creative orientation and mutual adaptation orientation is that one is to create conditions subjectively, and the other is to actively adapt to this direction. The orientation of mutual adaptation is the process of curriculum implementation, and it is the process of mutual adjustment, change and adaptation between curriculum plan and class or school practice situation in terms of curriculum objectives, content methods and organizational models.
Creative orientation, the real curriculum is the educational experience created jointly by teachers and students, and curriculum implementation is essentially the process of creating new educational experience in a specific educational situation.
The meaning of creative orientation and mutual adaptation orientation;
Creative orientation means that curriculum implementation is a process in which teachers and students jointly create new educational experiences in specific situations. In the process of creation, the predetermined curriculum plan is only the material or background for teachers and students to create or realize, and it is a kind of curriculum resource. With this kind of resources, teachers and students can constantly change and develop, and the curriculum itself can also be continuously generated.
The orientation of mutual adaptation means that curriculum implementation is a process of mutual adaptation between the predetermined curriculum plan and the school situation. This mutual adaptation includes two aspects: first, the adjustment of curriculum objectives, contents, methods and organizational forms to adapt to the actual situation of specific schools or classes.