Generally speaking, some shopping malls need manpower to engage in activities according to the number of days, and part-time jobs in shopping malls generally take a whole day. I once worked part-time in Gree air-conditioned shopping malls for three days. Perhaps Gree is a big brand in the world, and the part-time salary is rich. Our basic salary is 90 days and 8 hours a day. It seems that the salary is similar to that of ordinary part-time jobs, but there is an extra commission for part-time jobs in Gree. Their commission method is to attract a guest into the store and have a dollar. Don't underestimate this dollar, because I got more than 70 commission on the first day of my part-time job, so my salary that day was 160. Moreover, their commission salary is paid on the same day, and their daily fixed salary is paid two or three days after the end of part-time work. Unlike some part-time jobs, it takes a long time to get paid.
There are also some professional part-time jobs. I used to be the league secretary of the freshmen in the health school, and I was with the seniors who had graduated. Travel with a group for two or three hours, and the salary is also considerable, once in 200 yuan. However, this kind of part-time job is generally professional.