Be sure to choose a school that suits your type according to your needs, conditions and other comprehensive factors. Based on different standards, American middle schools can be divided into different types.
According to whether schools can provide accommodation for students, American middle schools are divided into boarding schools and day schools.
According to different investors, it can be divided into public secondary schools and private secondary schools.
According to the gender differences of American high school students, American middle schools can be divided into boys' schools, girls' schools and mixed schools.
According to the religious background, there is a difference between church middle schools and non-church middle schools.
According to the nature of running schools, it can also be divided into military schools and art schools.
Second: American secondary school system.
The educational system of middle schools in the United States and China is different in stages, but the overall educational system is the same as that in China, which is 12 years. Almost more than half of the States in the United States adopt the three-four system or the four-four system. Under this academic system, the middle school stage is 7 years, junior high school is 6 ~ 8 grades, and senior high school is 9 ~ 12 grades; There are 8 years in middle school, 5 ~ 8 grades in junior high school and 9 ~ 12 grades in senior high school.
Third, the course selection system and credit system in American middle schools.
The elective system and credit system are widely implemented in American high schools. American high school curriculum is divided into compulsory courses and elective courses. Although it is called a compulsory course, it is very flexible. For example, both of them are required courses in mathematics, but students can choose the courses that suit them according to their own mathematics level. You can choose general mathematics course, honorary mathematics course and AP(Advanced Placement) mathematics course.
American high schools adopt the credit system, and different courses correspond to different credits. Generally speaking, one subject is a compulsory course and one credit. Most schools require students to take at least 22-24 credits before graduation. In other words, during the four-year high school, students have to take more than 20 courses, and generally choose at least 5 to 6 courses per semester.