1, the flowchart can be used to describe the detailed steps of a process. Graphical symbols in the flow chart indicate different steps, such as input, processing, output, conditional transfer, etc. Flowchart can clearly show the execution sequence and process of the whole process, making it easier for people to understand the execution process of a process.
2. Flowchart can be used to analyze and optimize the process. Flowchart can help people understand the bottleneck and redundancy of the process and optimize the process to improve efficiency and quality. Flowcharts can also help people identify potential risks and problems and formulate corresponding solutions.
3. Flowchart can be used for decision-making. Conditional branches in the flow chart can help people make decisions and determine the actions that should be taken under specific conditions. Flowchart can also help people understand the impact and consequences of decision-making, so as to make better decisions.
4. Flowcharts can be used to write documents. Flowcharts can be used as part of a document to record and manage processes. Flowchart can help people better understand the process and ensure that the implementation of the process meets the standards.
5. Flowchart can be used for training and education. Flowchart can help people better understand the implementation process of a process and help them better master skills and knowledge. Flowcharts can also help people understand how to solve possible problems and mistakes.
The content of the flow chart
1. Start and end tags: Start and end tags indicate the start and end of the process, usually represented by rectangular boxes.
2. Input and output marks: The input and output marks indicate the input and output of the process, which are usually oval. Input flags represent the input data or conditions required by the process, and output flags represent the results or outputs produced by the process.
3. Judgment and conditional branch: Judgment and conditional branch represent conditional judgment and branch in the process, usually represented by a diamond box. In the conditional branch, the process selects different branches and performs different steps according to the conditions.
4. Flowline: Flowline indicates the execution sequence in the process and connects all steps. The arrow on the process line indicates the direction of the process, from left to right or from top to bottom, etc.
5. Graphical symbols: Graphical symbols in the flow chart represent different steps and operations, such as input, processing, output, conditional branching, etc. These symbols can be different according to the specific process, but they usually have clear meanings and standardized symbols.
6. Notes: Notes are used to describe details, explanations or notes in the process, and are usually expressed in text boxes. Annotations can help people better understand the information in the flow chart and the execution process of the process.