1 .com Business Organization2. Net network organization 3. Org non-profit organization 4. International organizations 5. Edu educational institutions. Gov us government departments. Mil U.S. Military Department 8. Business. business. Information network information service organization 654 38+00. Name Personal name 1 1. Pro-accountant, lawyer, doctor 12. Museum 13. Aviation industry 14. Coop business cooperation group 15. Tourism industry 16. Asia, Asia, Asia and the Pacific 17. Employment human resources service 65666+08. Mobi mobile communication 19. Telephone provides contact information 20. Cats popularized Catalan in Spain.
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Please refer to:
. Jesus Ascension Island. University of Cuba. Ireland. Mauritius. Sm San Marino
. Andorra. Cv Cape Verde. Israel. Mv Maldives. Sn Senegal
. Ae cx Christmas Island, United Arab Emirates. Im Isle of Wight (? ) .mw Malawi.so Somalia
. Afghan air force. Cyprus, cy In India. Mx Mexico. The elderly in Suriname.
. Ag Antigua and barbuda island. Cz Czech Republic British indian ocean territory. My Malaysia. Sao Tome and Principe.
. Anguilla. Germany, Germany. IQ Iraq. Mz Mozambique. Soviet union
Al Albania dj Djibouti ir Iran na Namibia sv El Salvador
. Am America. Dk Denmark It is Iceland. Nc new Caledonia. Sy Syria
Antilles. Dominic mark. It is Italy. Northeast Niger. Sz Swaziland
. Ao Angola. Dominican Republic. I wear a sweatshirt. Norfolk island. Tc Turks and Caicos islands
. Aq Antarctica. dz Algeria. jm Jamaica. ng Nigeria. td Chad
As Samoa. Ec Ecuador. Joe jordan. Ni Nicaragua. Tf southern France
. In Austria. Ee Estonia. Jp Japan Nl Holland. Tg Togo
. Australia, such as Egypt, Kenya, Norway and Thailand.
Aruba. Uh, Western Sahara. Kg Kyrgyzstan. Np Nepal Tj Tajikistan
. Az azerbaijan eritrea. Kh Cambodia Republic of Nauru. Tk Tokelau
. Bosnia. Es Spain. Kiki Ribatti. Nt neutral zone Tm Turkmenistan
. Bb Barbados. Ethiopia. Comoros. Nunu. Tn Tunisia
. Bd Bangladesh.fi Finland.kn Saint Kitts and Nevis.nz New Zealand.to Tonga
Be Belgium. Fj Fiji Kp north Korea Om Oman. Tp east timor
. Bf Burkina Faso. Fk Falkland islands. Kr Korea Pa Panama. Tr turkey
. Bg Bulgaria, fm Micronesia, kw Kuwait, pe Peru, tt Trinidad and Tobago
. BH Bahrain. fr France. ky Cayman Islands. pf French Polynesia. tv Tuvaru
. Bi Burundi. Fx France city. Kz Kazakhstan. Pg Papua new guinea Taiwan Province province.
. Benin B. Ga Gabon. People's Republic of Laura. Ph Philippines. Tz Tanzania
. Bm Bermuda. gb Grenada. lb Lebanon. pk Pakistan. ua Ukraine
. Bolivia. Ge Georgia. Lee Liechtenstein. Pl Poland. Ug Uganda
. Br Brazil.gf Guyana region.lk Sri Lanka.pm Miquelon Island.uk uk
. Bahamas. Gg Guernsey. Lr Liberia. Pn pitcairn i. A remote island in the United States.
Bt Bhutan. Gh Ghana. Lesotho. Public relations Puerto Rico. America America
. bv bouvet。 Gibraltar gi. Lieutenant Lithuania. Pt Portugal. Uy Uruguay.
. Bw Botswana. Gl Greenland. Luxembourg. Pw Palau Uz Uzbekistan
. Belarus. General motors Gambia company. Lv Latvia. Py Paraguay Vatican.
. Bz Belize. gn Guinea. ly Libya. qaqaqatar.vc Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
. California, Canada. Guadeloupe i. Master of arts in Morocco. Reunion (? ). ve Venezuela
. cc Corcos。 Gq equatorial guinea. Mcmonaco. Paranoia Vg virgin islands.
. Cd zaire. gr Greece. md Moldova. ru Russia. vi undeveloped islands in the United States
. See Central African Republic. Gs Georgia (? ) .mg Madagascar.rw Rwanda.vn Vietnam
. Cg Congo. Gt Guatemala. Mh Marshall islands. Sa Saudi Arabia. Vu Vanuatu
. Ch Switzerland. Guam. Kingdom of Macedonia. Sb Solomon islands. Wallis islands and Futuna Islands.
. Ci C? te d 'Ivoire. Gw Guinea Bissau. Mali. Sd Sultan. Ws western Samoa
. Ck Cook Islands. gy Guyana. mm Myanmar. se Sweden. ye Yemen
. Cl Chile. Hong kong. hong kong. Mongolia mn. Singapore sg. Yt mayotte i.
. Cm Cameroon. Hn Honduras. Mo Macao. Sh st Helena. In yugoslavia.
. Cn China.hr Croatia.mp Northern Mariana Islands.si Slovenia.zm Zambia
. Columbia company. Ht Haiti Mq Martinique. Sj Svalbard /jan mayen zr Zaire
. Cr Costa Rica. Hu Hungary. Ms. Montserrat. Sk Slovakia
. Cs Czechoslovakia. id Indonesia. mt Malta. sl Sierra Leone