Green is between green and blue, but many words are easily mistaken for green, such as grass is green. According to the color sequence of the spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple, cyan should be a color between green and blue, that is, cyan or cyan. RGB red, green and blue system = (red 0, green 255, blue 255).
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According to the color sequence of the spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple, cyan should be a color between green and blue, that is, cyan or cyan.
Green is between green and blue, but many words are easily mistaken for green, such as grass is green. Green is a kind of background color, bright and unobtrusive, smart and not smooth, refreshing and not monotonous.
Cyan is a unique color in China, which is of great significance in ancient China society. Cyan symbolizes strength, hope, simplicity and solemnity, and it is often used in traditional utensils and costumes.
Whether cyan refers to blue or green, it is often impossible to accurately express the effect seen by the naked eye in text description. Cyan is a color between blue and green, which is a mixture of equal amounts of green and blue light. If you can't define whether a color is blue or green, you can call it cyan.