1. China's constitutional provisions on education.
The Constitution of People's Republic of China (PRC) is formulated by the highest organ of state power (the National People's Congress) and has the highest legal status and legal effect. It is the fundamental law of the country and the basis of all other laws and regulations.
The provisions on education in the Constitution of People's Republic of China (PRC) are the fundamental basis of religious legislation in China, and they are the highest-level educational laws and regulations, and no other forms of educational laws and regulations may violate them.
2. Basic laws of education
The Basic Law of Education is the basic legal norm formulated by the National People's Congress to adjust the internal and external relations of education. It plays a macro-control role in the overall situation of education, or it is called "education constitution" and "education parent law".
3. A separate education law
A separate education law is generally formulated by the NPC Standing Committee. It is a normative document that stipulates specific issues in the field of education, and its effectiveness is lower than the Constitution of People's Republic of China (PRC) and the Basic Law on Education.
4. Educational administrative regulations
Educational administrative regulations are a form of administrative regulations, and they are normative documents on educational management formulated by the highest state administrative organ (the State Council) according to the Constitution of People's Republic of China (PRC) and the Education Law. Its effectiveness is lower than the Constitution of People's Republic of China (PRC) and the Education Law, and higher than local education laws and regulations.
Educational administrative regulations generally have three names: regulations, provisions, methods or detailed rules.
5. Local education laws and regulations
Local regulations are proper names of normative documents formulated by local state power organs. It shall be formulated by the people's congresses and their standing committees of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities where the people's governments at the provincial level are located and large cities approved by the State Council. The formulation of local education laws and regulations shall be reported to the NPC Standing Committee (NPC Standing Committee) for the record.
Local education laws and regulations are only valid within their respective administrative areas, and may not contravene the Constitution, laws and administrative regulations. Their names usually include regulations, measures, provisions, rules and detailed rules for implementation.