When Mr. Tao Xingzhi was the principal of the school, such a thing happened: one day, he saw the boy Wang You beating his classmates with mud on campus. Tao Xingzhi immediately stopped him and asked him to go to the principal's office after school.
After school, Wang You came to the principal's office early to prepare for training. Tao Xingzhi came over and took out a piece of candy to Wang You as soon as they met, and said, "This is for you, because you came on time, but I was late." Wang You took the candy in surprise.
Then Tao Xingzhi took out another candy and put it in his hand, saying, "The second candy is also for you, because when I don't let you hit people again, you immediately stopped, which shows that you respect me very much."
Tao Xingzhi took out the third piece of candy and put it in Wang You's hand: "I investigated, and you beat them with mud because they didn't obey the rules of the game and bullied female students. Take good care of them, prove that you are honest and kind, and have the courage to fight against the bad guys. You deserve a reward! " Wang You was moved to tears and cried regretfully: "President Tao, hit me twice!" " ! I am not a bad person, but my classmate! "
Tao Xingzhi smiled with satisfaction. He immediately took out the fourth candy and handed it to him, saying, "I'll give you another candy because you can correctly understand your mistakes." My candy has been distributed, so let's call it a day! "
1. What does this article say?
The story of Mr. Tao Xingzhi's education of students.
2. What is the reason why President Tao Xingzhi rewarded Wang You with the second candy?
When he didn't let the students hit people, the students immediately stopped, which showed that the students respected him.
3. How did Wang You change his feelings when he received candy from President Tao Xingzhi four times?
From consternation to regret.
4. After reading this story, what words do you want to use to evaluate President Tao Xingzhi? Why? (Write at least three words)
Amiable, well-educated, and full of human feelings.