Introducing death education in schools
Introducing death education in schools can help students better understand and deal with death events. For example, family members working in hospitals or other medical institutions may often face the death of patients, which may have a negative impact on children. By teaching students the basic concepts of life and death and how to deal with death, schools can help students better understand the complexity of these events and enable them to respond positively.
Learn how to deal with sadness and loss.
At the same time, it is also important to learn how to deal with sadness and loss. Learning emotional adjustment skills and psychological coping strategies at school can help students cope with sadness and loss better and promote mental health. For example, schools can organize grief and loss support groups or provide personal counseling to help students who need extra support.
In the face of violence and the death of terrorists
Finally, in modern society, the violence and terror of death events are becoming more and more common. Schools can teach students how to face these kinds of deaths through death education, such as the code of conduct in shooting incidents and so on.