Education is not only the need of all social practice activities, but also the need of human production. History shows that production includes two aspects, namely, the production of material materials and the production of human beings themselves. On the one hand, human production is based on the production of material data, on the other hand, it must be based on education. The experience, knowledge, skills and living standards that human beings need to participate in social life are not innate, but acquired through acquired study and practice. The survival and development of human beings have not only material needs, but also spiritual needs. If the younger generation does not go through the conscious and purposeful education process of human society, if there is no influence, teaching and education from the elderly, it will be difficult for them to adapt to the normal life of human social groups and society will stagnate.
According to the historical facts of education in primitive times, it should be considered that the unique educational activities of human society are derived from the needs of human beings to adapt to social life and their own physical and mental development, and are the necessary conditions for the existence and development of human society.