According to the discipline and specialty catalogue issued by the Ministry of Education, pedagogy is neither a liberal arts nor a science and engineering, but an independent discipline category, and there are many two disciplines and tertiary disciplines below!
04 pedagogy
040 1 pedagogy
040 10 1 principles of pedagogy
040 102 Curriculum and Teaching Theory
040 103 history of education
040 104 comparative pedagogy
040 105 preschool education
040 106 higher education
040 107 adult pedagogy
040 108 vocational and technical education
040 109 special pedagogy
040 1 10 educational technology (degrees in pedagogy and science can be awarded)
0402 Psychology (education and science degrees can be awarded)
04020 1 basic psychology
040202 Development and Educational Psychology
040203 Applied Psychology
0403 sports
04030 1 sports humanities and sociology
040302 Sports Human Science (degrees in education, science and medicine can be awarded)
Physical education and training
040304 National Traditional Sports