Speaking of emperor, it is a term exclusive to ancient society. The emperor only existed in ancient times. At that time, the emperor was the person with the highest power and status. The position of the emperor is unshakable. What the emperor said is imperial edict, which cannot be violated. As the saying goes, if you want to be a minister, you have to die. It is said that the emperor's words carry so much weight that no one dares to disobey them. Then there were many ancient dynasties, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing, which were all famous at that time. Each dynasty has its own unique characteristics, and each dynasty has many emperors. Today, we will say a sentence that everyone is familiar with now. At the same time, this sentence is also a sentence that many people will apply to their lives, that is, the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuch is in a hurry. What are the stories behind it? Let's look at the details!
In fact, the emperor is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is in a hurry. The consciousness of this sentence is that the main person is not in a hurry, and the people next to him are in a hurry first, indicating that they are a bit nosy.
In ancient times, why did emperors worry and eunuchs worry? As the main person, the emperor is in no hurry. Why is the person next to you in a hurry? In fact, when it comes to this, it is necessary to talk about the private life of the emperor at that time. There was a special institution in the Qing Dynasty, which was mainly responsible for the private life of the emperor. The reason was very simple, that is, to make the emperor gentle. Bian Xiao of this organization also believed that many people knew that he was respectful at that time. At that time, the sacred room had a very high position in the palace.
At that time, the main duty of the imperial palace was to record in detail which concubines the emperor loved at that time, providing many conditions for later concubines to conceive. Friends who have seen Empresses in the Palace's court dramas in the Qing Dynasty should think that every evening, someone will bring many brands for the emperor to choose from. If the emperor thinks that a concubine is lucky, he will turn over the sign of that concubine. As the saying goes, it is also called flop. Then, those who come with the sign are the people in the respect room.
Generally, when the emperor is in the room, people who respect the room will stand outside and watch. In fact, it's not just watching, but people in the respect room are counting the time. At a certain time, people in the respect room will shout that time is up. The purpose of doing this is actually to remind the emperor to pay attention to time and not to spend it indiscriminately.
In this way, there is a saying that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuch is in a hurry. In fact, this kind of speech is also very vivid.
In fact, this practice is also the practice of feudal society, which is the performance of absolutism at that time!