Gross GDP /GNP, per capita value and change rate are the core indicators to measure sustainable economic development. According to the data of the United Nations and economics, when the per capita GDP/GNP exceeds $3,000/year, economic development tends to rise steadily, that is, sustainable development.
(2) The contribution rate of science and technology in GNP/GNP is to judge whether it belongs to the backward economy or production development mode with high input and low output. The higher the contribution rate of science and technology, the more sustainable the economic development, which is an indicator of the level of production modernization.
Extended data:
The main advantages of taking gross national product as a comprehensive economic indicator are as follows: first, it only calculates the value of final products, not the value of intermediate products, so it does not include repeated calculation.
Second, the added value of both material production departments and all service departments is considered, which reflects the changes of modern industrial structure and the role of tertiary industries such as education, science and technology and finance in social economy.
National income is a comprehensive index reflecting the development level of a country's national economy, while per capita national income is a comprehensive index directly reflecting the development level of social productive forces and people's living standards in this country. As a comprehensive index, national income can reflect social reproduction and its final result; Under different social systems, national income reflects different social and economic relations.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Economic Development Level