Health education-through planned, organized and systematic social education activities, people can consciously adopt healthy behaviors and lifestyles, eliminate or reduce risk factors affecting health, prevent diseases, promote health, improve quality of life and evaluate the effect of education.
The core of health education is to educate people to establish health awareness, urge people to change unhealthy behavior lifestyle and develop good behavior lifestyle, so as to reduce or eliminate risk factors affecting health. Through health education, we can help people understand which behaviors affect their health and consciously choose healthy behaviors and lifestyles.
Health promotion refers to a kind of social behavior and social strategy that uses administrative or organizational means to widely coordinate all relevant social departments, communities, families and individuals to fulfill their respective responsibilities for health and jointly safeguard and promote health.
We believe that health promotion refers to the combination of health education with policies, regulations and organizations that can promote behavior and environmental changes, and it is the whole process of all activities that affect and educate people's health. Health education is one of the components of health promotion.
Policies, regulations, organizations and other environmental support are all components of health promotion, but it needs to be combined with health education. Without health education, health promotion will become a concept in name only. On the other hand, if health education is not supported by effective environment (including political, social, economic and natural environment), although health education can successfully help individuals make efforts to change certain behaviors, it is obviously weak.