Unlimited grade, valid for life.
Putonghua certificate is not restricted by grade. As long as you meet the grade requirements, you can get a life-long valid Putonghua grade certificate.
You can apply if you meet the requirements.
As long as they meet the requirements, hold Shanghai residence permit for 7 years, participate in Shanghai urban social insurance for 7 years according to regulations, pay taxes according to law, have professional and technical positions above intermediate level or have professional qualifications above technician, and have no violation of family planning policy and no illegal record, they can apply for Putonghua certificate.
Priority bidding
Those who have made great contributions, worked in education or health posts in the outer suburbs for five years, and have a high social security base or wage income in the last three years can also give priority to applying for Putonghua certificates.
Inspection rules
Want to know more? Please refer to Articles 2 and 3 of the Management Regulations on Putonghua Proficiency Test.