The story revolves around the clever middle-aged uncle driver, the boss of urban leftover women and the goddess Bai Gu Jingjing, and tells the wonderful love between master and servant in an urban triangle. Because Zhang Jiayi is the "female boss and driver" in the play, the film is interspersed with a lot of car scenes, and considering the actors and shooting situation, a lot of green screen keying and scene replacement special effects are used in the car scenes.
Apart from the scene shot by Tang Hong, the play is very realistic. Does Lao Yang like Gu Qingqing or not? Actually, I'm not interested in Gu. To put it bluntly, I just want to save some face and regain some self-esteem in front of young and beautiful girls. Help is to find some sense of existence and need.
Anyone who has experienced a midlife crisis knows that the most uncomfortable thing is not the so-called relationship between men and women, nor is it face, but confusion and powerlessness. The future is confused, physically and mentally weak to despair, but even death can't die. Maybe only a man in a midlife crisis can understand.