Theory of biological origin
French sociologist Little told us that education existed before the appearance of human beings, and human education only inherited the education form of the animal kingdom. Big animals take care of small animals, and there are also "teachers" and "students" in the insect world. Are survival competition and natural instinct the original forms of education?
Theory of psychological origin
Monroe, an American educator, proposed from the psychological point of view that education originated from children's unconscious imitation of adults. In primitive society, there were no schools, teachers and textbooks, but education was universal. Meng Lu believes that children's unconscious imitation of adults is the initial education.
Theory of labor origin
Educators such as Midinsky and Kailov in the former Soviet Union advocated that education originated from labor. They believe that education originated from the dialectical unity of social production needs and human development needs in the process of labor. This view has been widely recognized in China's educational circles.