Although the capitalist society abolished the hierarchical system of feudal education, they still could not receive equal education because of the different status of each class. With the development of productive forces, the combination of science and technology and production is getting closer and closer, which requires workers to have a higher cultural level. Coupled with the development of the democratization movement after World War II, capitalism put forward universal compulsory education, and the number of years has been continuously extended.
However, from the essence of education, capitalist schools have always permeated the class spirit of the bourgeoisie, that is, to train satisfied workers for the bourgeoisie, which can not only create profits for the owners, but also not disturb the peace of the owners.
In recent years, due to the development and popularization of education, the bourgeoisie boasts about their democratization of education and equal opportunities for receiving education, which is actually only a superficial phenomenon. Due to the high tuition fees of high-quality private schools, most working people's children still only receive a relatively low level of education, and educational inequality is also manifested in the fact that ethnic minorities do not have equal rights to education.
In China's current nine-year compulsory education system, all school-age children and adolescents must enjoy the right to receive compulsory education, which is a public welfare undertaking that the state must guarantee. The implementation of nine-year compulsory education means that school-age children and adolescents begin to receive nine-year education without tuition and fees. The state establishes a mechanism to guarantee the funds for compulsory education to ensure the implementation of the compulsory education system.
The great significance of popularizing compulsory education
1. Compulsory education has always been the top priority of China's educational reform and development. At the beginning of this century, China achieved the goal of popularizing nine-year compulsory education. The first is to solve the academic problems of school-age children stipulated by law. After compulsory education is fully popularized and free, the state clearly regards the balanced development of compulsory education as the top priority of compulsory education, and strives to achieve the goal of making all school-age children and adolescents eager to learn.
2. Compulsory education is a basic public service for all school-age children and adolescents. It is the legal responsibility of the government to provide basically balanced compulsory education. Every school-age child should enjoy equal opportunities to receive qualified and quality compulsory education. The nature of compulsory education determines that compulsory education must develop in a balanced way.