Although there is no fixed level of academic politics, it is stipulated that it can be on an equal footing with the governor, minister in charge and provincial judges in a province, but it is higher than the local officials such as Daotai, Zhifu and Zhifu, and most of them are promoted and appointed after the term expires. Therefore, going abroad to study politics in various provinces is the pursuit of many Taoists who occupy the Han nationality.
Different governments, states and counties have different names and ranks of officials in charge of education.
Shuntianfu and Fengtianfu, two zhili provinces, each have a Confucian professor in charge of education, and the grade is Zhengqipin; Assistant for the discipline, two people, from the eight products.
There are also one Confucian professor and one lecturer in the ordinary government.
The official in charge of education in the state is called Zheng Xue, who is a positive eight; The deputy is still from the eight disciplines.
The official in charge of education in a county is called fatwa, and the grade is eight; Set an instructor as a deputy.
Teaching, learning and lesson guidance, responsible for training students and apprentices in Di school, diligently teaching art, and evaluating the quality of behavior. These education officials are directly under the leadership of the provincial academic administration, and have only hierarchical relations with local officials (such as prefects and prefectures), and there is no direct relationship between superiors and subordinates, and local officials have no right to control these academic officials.