2. When you are young, you can earn if you have insufficient balance, and you can charge if you have insufficient electricity. Time is gone forever. You should fight for it when you are young. How much you pay, how much you will get. Don't compare, don't complain, don't care, pay more, because there is an effort called-relying on yourself!
No one will wake you up on your way to success and no one will pay for you. You need self-management, self-discipline and self-breakthrough. Man's potential is infinite. If you are content with the status quo, you will be eliminated gradually. Push yourself to break through yourself, and you will create miracles. Never say "impossible" to yourself often. The direction of trees is determined by the wind, and the direction of people is determined by themselves!
Later, I realized that only by earning enough money to make me feel at ease can I live a simple, comfortable and free life and make myself more confident. So, spend more time and energy and less time being melodramatic.
Every excellent person has a period of silence. Every experience in life is writing your own resume. What you spell is very different in meaning and value from what others send to your mouth. What determines your height is what you ask of yourself.
6. If you don't want to work hard, there is always an excuse to be lazy. Real efforts require you to put aside your distractions and devote yourself to one thing. Time will never wait for you in the same place, and a life with goals will really be ten thousand times more exciting than a daze.