1. Greeting: First of all, greet the other person and let him/her feel your courtesy and respect. For example, "Hello, I am the director of the Admissions Office of XX Wushu Training Class. Nice to meet you. "
2. Introduction: Introduce yourself and your martial arts training class. For example, "We are a professional martial arts training class, offering various martial arts courses, including Tai Ji Chuan, Sanda, Taekwondo and so on."
3. Understand the needs: Ask the other party if they have the needs of martial arts training, as well as their interests and goals. For example: "Are you interested in martial arts training? What do you hope to achieve by learning martial arts? "
4. Provide information: provide the other party with information about your Wushu training class, including curriculum, teaching staff, teaching facilities, etc. For example, "We have an experienced team of teachers, offering different levels of courses and perfect teaching facilities."
5. Appointment for consultation: If the other party expresses interest in Wushu training, you can invite him/her for consultation. For example, "If you are interested in learning more, please feel free to contact us. We can provide more information and curriculum. "
6. Thank you and farewell: At the end of the conversation, thank each other and express your willingness to keep in touch. For example, "Thank you for your time. If you have any questions or need more information, please feel free to contact us. "
When communicating, please be polite, patient and enthusiastic, and try to understand each other's needs and interests as much as possible in order to better provide him/her with appropriate courses and services.