EduCoin, also known as education coin, is a platform token listed on EDUCoin platform on February 22, 20 18, with a total supply of 150-EDU. EDU is a project pass, and the currency allocation is 40% for private equity, 30% for airdrop community, 20% for team, and the remaining 10% is used for market transactions. Only three exchanges, Huobi, BIUP and CEX, are online, with a daily trading volume of only tens of thousands of yuan and poor circulation depth. The project has about 20 thousand fans on Twitter, and few people speak every day. The popularity of the whole community dropped to freezing point with the price of money. Development projects have been open source, but only 10 code has been submitted in recent two years, so the maintenance frequency is relatively low and the risk of holding money is high.
Educational currency platform
EduCoin project platform is a decentralized online education content sharing and service education platform based on blockchain technology and smart contract technology. The platform aims at consuming teaching services, providing teaching products and technologies, monitoring and evaluating teaching quality, and solving problems related to the asymmetry and fairness of educational information.