According to a comprehensive report by Indian media on August 6th, 20 19, in Mi Late, India, the local police revealed that four underage teenagers were prosecuted by the court for sexually assaulting an 8-year-old girl with hearing impairment. Among the four teenagers who violated the little girl, even one was the girl 12-year-old brother.
That Sunday, the 8-year-old girl was playing near her home. Then these teenagers appeared and lured her to an abandoned house nearby with candy. Among the four teenagers, the little girl's brother also participated. These teenagers violated the little girl and then fled the scene. The little girl was seriously injured.
When the little girl dragged her injured body home, she told her family about her painful experience through sign language and pointed out that her brother was also involved in this evil deed. When the girl's parents knew what had happened, they immediately took her to the police station and asked to investigate the matter.
During the police interrogation, the victim's brother confessed what happened, admitted his crime and told the police the names of his other three friends. The police then arrested the four criminals. The four juvenile delinquents have been detained in the detention center, waiting for the court's decision. They are all in the age range of 12~ 14.
According to India's minor sexual assault protection law, the criminal acts of these four teenagers will be recorded. On Monday, they were sent to the juvenile court. After the trial by the court, they will be sent to the juvenile detention center for centralized management.
After reading this news, do you think it's incredible that this 8-year-old girl was so violated, including her own brother? It's really scary. No wonder when it comes to India, everyone's biggest impression is that the number of sexual assault cases here is also the highest in the world. Minors must have sex education as soon as possible, and don't let ignorance ruin a child's life.