(1) Connotation of educational modernization: Educational modernization is a directional measure. The process of educational reform is the overall transformation of education and the process of acquiring and deepening modernity. The core of educational modernization is the modernization of people, especially the modernization of people's ideas.
(2) The content of educational modernization:
1. Modernization of educational concepts: key modernization is an important prerequisite for educational modernization.
2. Modernization of education system: Modernization of education system is the basic content and important guarantee of education modernization.
3. Modernization of educational content: Modernization through the adjustment of educational content is the focus of educational reform in various countries.
4. Modernization of educational facilities: Conditional facilities are an important symbol of education level.
5. Modernization of teachers' quality: The key to the modernization of education is the modernization of teachers' quality, including the modernization of teachers' concepts, professional ethics and modern teaching ability.
The investigation point of this topic is in the third chapter of Pedagogy, Education and Society!
Hope to adopt!