(A) the myth of the origin of education-unscientific
The purpose of education is to embody God or God's will and make people convert to God or obey God's will.
(b) The biological origin theory of education-the first formal theory of the origin of education.
Guided by Darwin's theory of biological evolution.
French sociologist Little Noel: The education of human society is the inheritance, perfection and development of the education of animal kingdom.
British educator Percy Neng: The generation of education comes entirely from the instinct of animals and is the instinctive need of racial development.
The fundamental mistake is that we don't grasp the purpose and sociality of human education, so we don't distinguish between human educational behavior and animal rearing behavior. We only discuss the origin of education from the perspective of external behavior rather than internal purpose, and then discuss the origin of education from the perspective of biology.
(C) the psychological origin theory of education-the same as the biological origin theory.
American educator Monroe: The original forms and methods of education are mainly children's unconscious imitation of adults in their daily lives. "Unconscious" imitation is not acquired but genetic, innate rather than acquired, instinctive rather than cultural and social.
Human's similar instinct and animal's similar instinct.
(D) The labor origin theory of education-China and the Soviet Union.
Or, the theory of social origin of education. Guidance of Marxist historical materialism theory.
Main contents:
Productive labor is the most basic practical activity of human beings;
Education originated from the transmission of experience in the process of productive labor;
Word of mouth and simple imitation are the most primitive and basic forms of education in the process of productive labor;
Productive labor reform is the deepest motive force to promote human education reform.