Wednesday 20 19 1.2
(1) Read the original text: Reading Reflection 1
(2) Writing experience: summary of classic quotations of educators 1
Dewey, a famous American educator, emphasized that education must be based on experience. Education is the growth and transformation of experience. It is in experience that students have problems from experience, and there is a development process for experience. Problems can stimulate them to explore knowledge and produce new ideas.
Vygotsky, a Soviet educator and psychologist, attached great importance to the interaction between students' original experience and new knowledge, and described this relationship with the concept of "zone of proximal development". He called the daily experience of learners "bottom-up knowledge". Only when bottom-up knowledge is linked with bottom-up knowledge can it become conscious and systematic knowledge, and only when top-down knowledge is linked with bottom-up knowledge can it obtain the foundation for growth.
German educator Stuart once said that the art of education is not to impart skills, but to inspire and awaken.
John Dewey said that some experiences will make students feel indifferent, lack sensitivity and responsiveness, thus limiting the possibility of gaining more experience in the future. Other experiences may make people feel happy immediately, but they encourage people to develop a casual and careless attitude, which will change the nature of later experiences, thus preventing people from getting their own experiences and giving them what they deserve.
J.L. Martin, students should first experience the behavior of dividing specific materials into equal parts and then forming scores. First of all, students should not use symbols until they have confidence in these terms.
Einstein clearly pointed out that it is more important to ask a problem than to solve it. Because solving problems may be a mathematical or experimental skill, raising new questions and new possibilities, and looking at old problems from a new perspective require creative imagination, which marks the real progress of science.
Aristotle said that thinking begins with doubt and surprise.
Do your duty.
Don't complain 2
(5) Don't lie 2
Total: 10