The mystery of the name of Peking Opera
Imagine that the riddle is "sinking fish and falling geese, closing the moon and feeling ashamed of flowers", asking you to guess the name of Peking Opera with a scroll. The answer is "Huarong Road", which is read backwards and perfectly conforms to the artistic conception of the riddle.
The puzzle of scroll is not only interesting, but also challenging. For example, "thirty and nine" is an idiom. Mindfulness is "the difference of one thought", which in turn becomes "the difference of one thought". Is it both interesting and challenging?
Application in literary works
The seventh and fifth chapters of Twenty Years of Adventure also mentioned "Hefei", which may also be the wonderful use of the shutter.
Puzzle skill
The next time you are guessing or creating a puzzle, you might as well try the scroll to make your puzzle more interesting and challenging!