The high version software can open the low version, and the low version cannot open the high version software. How to solve this problem:
Step 1: Open the advanced version of solidworks installed on the computer and open the part drawing to be converted.
Step 2: Save the file as an igs format A in the high version, and open the igs format A file in the low version.
Step 3: Click the right mouse button on the option "Input 1" at the bottom of the toolbar, and a screenshot of the original part drawing will appear.
Step 4: Click the FeatureWorks recognition function in the small toolbar that appears, and press "Next" to recognize it, or press "OK" to directly recognize and map the function and save it in a lower version.
Soliworks is a subsidiary of DassaultSystemes, which specializes in developing and selling Windows products of mechanical design software. The company is headquartered in Massachusetts, USA. Soliworks provides advanced tools, and users can not only work together through the Internet. You can also display vivid solid models through the 3D hosting website. Three-dimensional hosting website is a service provided by soliworks, and users can quickly check the product structure anytime and anywhere.