There are many topics about education. Parents do this mostly in the hope of cultivating their children's autonomous learning ability, and they are also eager for their children not to fall behind in the fierce educational competition.
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Frog: refers to ordinary children, also known as Puwa.
Bullfrog: refers to outstanding students in one or more aspects. There are many kinds, for example, those who are good at math are called Austrian cattle, those who can read the original English are called English cattle, and those who have both are called Anglo-Austrian mixed-race cattle ...
Vegetarian Chicken: Chicken blood quality education, such as piano, Go, painting and other talent and emotional intelligence activities are included, and there are more one-on-one courses such as equestrian, fencing, figure skating and ice hockey.
Self-help: Some parents are teachers or have a higher education level, so they can help their children themselves. Therefore, these behaviors of self-study at home and not reporting to any cram schools or training classes are called "self-chicken".