1. Introduction: Educational statistics, as a discipline, belongs to the category of applied statistics, and is the application of mathematical disciplines such as mathematical statistics and probability theory in the field of education, including the field of practice and theoretical research. It is one of the useful thinking tools for sorting out and analyzing all kinds of data in the field of education, especially quantitative data, and making inferences and decisions from them.
3. Connotation: Thinking and training in statistical literacy and methodology is very important for teachers to improve their educational literacy, educational evaluation ability and research ability. Educational statistics is a relatively independent applied discipline, an important part of educational science research methods, and belongs to the category of methodology. It is devoted to arousing people's awareness of methods, laying the foundation of teachers' statistical knowledge, and applying the general principles and methods of statistics to educational research.
3. Curriculum: Educational Statistics, as a course, is generally one of the compulsory professional basic courses for undergraduate and junior college majors such as pedagogy, psychology, educational management, primary education and preschool education. It is one of the foundations of general psychology, educational psychology and developmental psychology, especially educational experimental design, psychological research, educational research methods and psychological research methods.