1. Respect parents' views: Although parents may not keep up with the times, their views and values may be based on their experiences and life backgrounds. We should respect their views and try to understand their ideas.
2. Communicate in an equal way: When communicating with parents, communicate in an equal way, and don't use the language of accusation or criticism. We can try to share our views and experiences, and try to listen to their views and ideas.
3. Based on facts and data: If we want our parents to accept new ideas or ideas, we can try to support our views with facts and data. This will make it easier for parents to accept our views.
4. Try to guide parents to accept new things: We can try to guide parents to accept new things, such as sharing news, articles, videos and so on, so that they can understand new things and new ideas.
The most important thing is that we should try our best to communicate effectively with our parents on the premise of respect and understanding, so that they can understand our ideas and views, and at the same time respect their views and ideas.