Da Le Si grasps the law of equality to rule the country's academic politics, and American children. Anyone who has virtue is difficult to teach, happy to die, and sacrificed to his ancestors. Governing the country by virtue: neutrality, mediocrity and filial piety. Teaching the country with music: preaching, satire and speech. Teach Guo Zi with music and dance: Dance Cloud Gate, Big Scroll, Big Salt, Big Summer, Big Rhyme and Big Martial Arts. With six laws and six dances with five tones and eight tones, ghosts and gods can show it, and animals can take harmony as the country, harmony as the public, guests as security, and people as far away. Divided into music and order, there are sacrifices, enjoyment and sacrifice. Is to play the yellow bell, sing Lu, and dance "Cloud Gate" to sacrifice to God. It is to ring a bell, sing a bell and dance a song "Fairy Pool" to show the sacrifice to the ground. Just play, sing and dance "big" to see. It is to dress up as a guest, sing bells and dance "Great Summer" to sacrifice mountains and rivers. It is the first step to enjoy playing Yize, singing Lu Xiao and dancing "Dayun". It is to fight without shooting, to sing without singing, and to dance "Da Wu" to reward ancestors. All six musicians write in five tones and broadcast in eight tones. There are six kinds of music, one change, showing feathers and rivers, one change, showing things and mountains, three changes, showing things and mountains, four changes, showing things and graves, five changes, showing things and soil, six changes, showing things and spirits.
Where there is music, the bell is a palace, the yellow bell is a horn, the big clock is a grave, the aunt washes it as a feather, the drum is a drum, the pipe of the solitary bamboo is a pipa of the cloud, and the dance of the cloud gate is played on the dome of the ground in winter. If the music changes six times, then God will be there. Where there is music, the bell is the palace, the big clock is the horn, the drum is the sign, the southern Lu is the feather, the drum is the spirit, the sun is in charge, the empty mulberry harp is the dance of "fairy pool", and it is played in Zezhongfang Mountain in summer. If the music changes eight times, it will be displayed everywhere, and it is possible to get a ceremony. Where there is music, the yellow bell is the palace, the big Lu is the horn, the big Li is the sign, the bell is the feather, the drum is the Tao, the bamboo is the tube, the Longmen harp, the song of nine virtues, and the dance; If you play it in Zhou Zong, if the music changes nine times, people and ghosts can understand it and be polite.
Every pleasure is a great sacrifice to Suxian county, so it is displayed by sound. When the king went in and out, Wang Xia was played; When the body came in and out, Si Xia was beaten; When the animals came in and out, Zhao Xia was played and the prince danced. Nothing is sacrificed, everything else is like sacrifice. Big shots, kings come in and out, playing "Fish Wong"; And shoot, let the play "worry". A letter to the princes danced with bows and arrows. Master Wang, three strokes make the bells and drums play. Teacher Wang's professionalism will make you play Le Kai. During the solar eclipse, four towns and five mountains collapsed, and disaster struck, and the princes failed to make people happy. Big, big, big disaster, the death of the minister, all of which make Chi County a big worry for the whole country. Where the People's Republic of China was founded, its lewd voice, excessive voice, fierce voice and slow voice were all banned. Great mourning, offering musical instruments. There are tombs and Tibetan musical instruments.
Musicians are in charge of Chinese studies and teach China children small dances. Where there is dance, there is dance, feather dance, imperial dance, dance, dry dance and human dance. Teaching musical instruments, the lines are "Four Summers" and tend to "pick", so are cars, and bells and drums are festivals. Where shooting, the king regards "Li Yu" as the festival, the vassal regards "beaver head" as the festival, the doctor regards "picking apples" as the festival, and the scholar regards "picking MiG" as the festival. Where you are happy, take charge of its order and manage your own politics. People who play music on small national issues are ordered to ring bells and drums. If you succeed, you will be prepared. Zhao Lai was called to dance on the road, but to be thorough [5 1], handsome bachelor [52] and to be thorough in singing, and to make the phase [53]. Having a public meal with the king makes him happy, makes him play bells and drums, and makes him look like a sacrifice. Yan She, handsome [54] The shooter dances with bows and arrows. Music [55] goes in and out, making the bells and drums ring. Where the army has made great contributions and taught triumph songs, they all advocate it. Every funeral, Chen Dou is handsome and happy. And crying [56], and. Every music official is in charge of his decrees and listens to his lawsuits.
[Note] Cheng Jun: The name of a university during the Five Emperors. Sect (): the name of Yin University. Guo Zi: Children of the country, that is, children of emperors, princes, officials, doctors and scholars. Neutralization: harmony between loyalty and righteousness. Yong Yong: Respect is universal. Sing Tao (d m 40): Good metaphor. Satire: Reciting and singing. Cloud Gate and: Yellow. Daxian: Yes. Shao: Shunle. Hero: Yule. Hu Xun: Tang Le. Dawning: Zhou Wuwang Music. Ghost Show (qí): People say ghosts, gods say gods, and earth gods say signs. Say (yuè) people far away: Make people far away happy. Become an animal: let birds and animals enjoy music and dance. Music and order: the dances of the six generations (Huangdi, Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang,) were ordered. Sacrifice, enjoyment and worship: offering sacrifices to land, ancestors and heaven. Look around: refers to the five mountains, four towns and four sinuses. Xianyan: refers to Jiang Yuan, the mother of Hou Ji, the ancestor of Zhou Dynasty. Change: more refers to the previous music and more new music. To: To make all things and gods feel the six music. Image: refers to the four spirits of returning to the dragon in the face of the wind Léi and táo: drums with skins on six sides. Waqiu: refers to the round high altar. Like a circle in the sky. Guling Lingbi: refers to a drum with skin all around. Square mound: refers to a square high altar. The square is like the ground. Lu Gu Lu Gu: A drum with skin on both sides. Big sacrifice: refers to offering sacrifices to gods, gods, people and ghosts. Xuán: The musical instrument was hung and put away the night before. Show it through sound: hit the instrument and listen to whether the sound is accurate. Corpse: a person who sacrificed on behalf of the deceased in ancient times and symbolized the gods of the deceased. Generally, it is held by the courtiers or younger generations of the deceased. Later generations gradually changed to idols and portraits, and the corpse system was abolished. Handsome: Pass the "rate" and get the collar. Dinner: refers to the guests. No sacrifice: when offering sacrifices, the sacrifices are brought into the temple and slaughtered outside the temple gate until cooked. Big shot: When offering sacrifices, choose a scholar and shoot him at yaoyu School in the western suburbs. Great contribution: the army won and made a contribution. Kelly: The joy of making a contribution. Four Towns: There were states in ancient China, and each state had a mountain as a town. For example, wuyue is the fifth of nine towns. Great (guο) disaster: after, it is odd. Refers to the strange changes of heaven and earth. Zagreb: Plague. Xuán: Take down the frequently hung musical instruments and collect them. Voice: The sound of sorrow and joy is not in the festival. Fierce voice: the voice of national subjugation. Slow voice: lazy and disrespectful voice. Existence (xρn): existence, existence. Xun, Master Xing. Playing musical instruments at funerals. Small dance: a dance taught at an early age. Musical instrument: the musical instrument that Wang entered and exited the palace and slept in the big bed. Foreword: The matter of using music in sequence. Gao Wu: Gao, call also. It's called national dance. [5 1] Car: After the sacrifice, remove the sacrificial vessels. [52] Bachelor: Guo Zi. [53] Command: The commander supports blindness. [54] Shuai: The same "rate", leading. [55] Music: refers to the dancers and the instruments they use. [56] Crying in sequence: refers to the funeral where musicians are led to cry in turn with musical instruments.
(Ceng Yi)
[Appreciation] The book The Book of Rites, whose real name is Zhou Guan, was renamed The Book of Rites when Liu Xin played Dr. Li. Traditional owners and annotators think that Zhou Li is the "Book of Peace of the Duke of Zhou", and later scholars think that it was written in the Warring States Period. Zhou Li is about the official system of the Zhou Dynasty, which was compiled by the author according to the official system of the Zhou royal family, referring to the systems of various countries in the Warring States period and benefiting from the political ideals of Confucianism. Zhou Li, Yili and Book of Rites are collectively called "Three Rites" and are also one of the thirteen Confucian Classics. It is divided into six parts: Tianguan, Diguan, Guan Chun, Xiaguan, Qiu Guan and Dongguan. However, in the Qin and Han Dynasties, the winter official was lost, and the Han River gave Wang Kao Gong Ji, making it six. Among them, the official in charge of the state ceremony, Zhou Zong sacrifice, etc. Senior Music is the music organization of the Wangs, which manages music administration, music education, music and dance performances and other affairs.
In ancient China, there were schools from the legendary Huang Sanhe and Five Emperors. By the third generation, the school was already complete. "There are all kinds of knowledge in the hutongs in the palace" (Zhu Xu, Chapter of the University). The objects taught are mainly aristocratic children, and of course there are a few outstanding people among the civilians. "Wang Zi, the prince, the eldest son of the post-clique, the youngest son of a great scholar, and the handsome man who chose the country have all achieved something" (The Book of Rites, Wang Zhi), which is called "the son of the country" in this paper. Although the names of schools in the past dynasties are different, the teaching contents are diverse, and etiquette and music are two major subjects. This paper describes the methods of happy teaching in schools, and preserves the precious materials of China's ancient educational history. It can be seen that aesthetic education not only occupies a very important position in ancient education, but also has developed quite well and formed a very fine tradition. There are three ways to teach music: virtue, music language and music and dance. The so-called virtue of music is to teach the sons of the country neutrality, moderation and filial piety, that is, to cultivate the virtues of loyalty, softness, respect, constancy, filial piety and friendliness through music. It can be seen that in ancient times, music education was not a simple education of music knowledge and skills, but first of all, it was to cultivate spirit, beautify temperament, purify soul and cultivate morality, which grasped the most important aspect of music education. The so-called musical language is to teach Guozi to enlighten, satirize and speak, so that Guozi can master the language ability of being good at metaphor, guidance, chanting, chanting, speaking and answering words. It can be seen that the content and form of music education are rich and colorful, not limited to the teaching of music and dance, but also including the creation and performance of oral and written literature and art. The so-called music and dance means that Guo Zi can learn seven dances: Cloud Gate, Big Axis, Big Salt, Great Love, Great Summer, Great Rhyme and Great Martial Arts.
These seven kinds of dances are the music and dances of Huangdi, Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang and Six Dynasties, also known as "Six Music". This paper further expounds the specific functions of six kinds of music. The function of music is to worship the gods, there are six gods. Therefore, the Yellow Emperor's Yunmen Dance Collection is used to worship the gods, Yao's Fairy Pool (that is, Great Salt) is used to worship the land, Shun's Road is used to worship the land, Yu's Heroes is used to worship the mountains and rivers, and Tang's Great Lian is used to worship the land. Six generations of music and dance are big dances, and it is the responsibility of big musicians to teach big dances.
In addition to the big dance, there are also small dances. It is a musician's duty to teach small dances. According to the Book of Rites, this was generally learned when Guo Zi was young. The so-called small dance, that is, dance, feather dance, imperial dance, dance, dance, dance The big dance is used as the main sacrifice of the Temple of Heaven and Earth, and the small dance is used for general prayer, drinking, funeral and other occasions. The article specifies in great detail what kind of music, what kind of dance, what kind of melody and scale should be used for musical instruments and songs in specific ceremonies, which provides very valuable information for studying the history of ancient music in China.
In ancient China, formal and grand ceremonies always included playing music and performing music and dance, so ceremonies and music always coexisted. Music beautifies ritual activities, making the latter more grand, solemn and sacred, and arousing people's most pious, deepest, most sincere and warmest feelings. Its function, as stated in "Spring Official Zong Xia Bo", is "to be at peace with the country, to be at peace with the people, to be at peace with the guests, to be far away from others, and to be a beast". In this way, rites and music became an important part of ancient political and social life. Confucius said, "If there is a way in the world, then rites and music will be conquered from the son of heaven." (The Analects of Confucius Ji) Music goes hand in hand with "conquest", even before "conquest", and is listed as an important activity that the emperor should care about and directly control his decision-making. It can be seen that music is not only the basic link of personal spiritual cultivation activities, but also the top priority of national politics. The reason why Confucianism attaches so much importance to music is because, as the Book of Rites says, "the music masters the mind." Therefore, the traditional culture of China is a culture of rites and music, and the spiritual value and life with high aesthetic feeling are defined as the basic goals that individuals and countries should pursue. This is the outstanding embodiment of the humanistic spirit of oriental culture, and it is also one of the most precious traditions in ancient China culture.