We often wonder, what is the meaning of education? Irish writer Ye Zhi once said: Education is not to fill a bucket of water, but to light a fire. A bucket of water falls down, or a bucket of water, there will be no active response. When the fire is lit, it will burn more and more brightly and shine brilliantly.
Irrigation can be understood as spoon-feeding teaching, giving people fish, but the educator simply outputs and the educated passively inputs.
Igniting the flame can be regarded as mobilizing the enthusiasm of the educated, so that the learning process is no longer boring and passive, but full of vitality and curiosity, just like a flame.
What teachers should do is to give full play to students' subjective initiative and let them invent and create, just like lighting a fire.
Fill a bucket with water, always spoon-feed teaching, thus losing the ability to think independently. Light a fire, stimulate students' desire for learning, and slowly cultivate students' creative consciousness.
As a teacher, can you light a fire?