Legal relief for education is an activity in which citizens, legal persons or other organizations think that their personal rights and property rights have been infringed by administrative acts of administrative organs or acts of other units and individuals, and inform the state organs that have the right to accept them according to law and ask for solutions and relief, and the relevant state organs will accept them and make legally effective judgments.
The legal remedy of educational rights refers to the legal system to restore and remedy the rights of the subjects of educational legal relations when they are infringed. At present, the main forms of legal relief in the field of education are education appeal system, administrative reconsideration system and litigation system.
The appeal system can be divided into litigation appeal system and non-litigation appeal system. The appeal system in litigation refers to the appeal that the parties or other citizens refuse to accept the legally effective judgment or ruling and ask the people's court or the people's procuratorate to handle it again according to law.
Refined to education appeal, it refers to the system in which legal persons, organizations and citizens, as the subjects of education legal relations, put forward reasons to the education administrative department and other state administrative organs and request to deal with them when their legitimate rights and interests are damaged. According to the Education Law of the People's Republic of China and the Teachers Law of People's Republic of China (PRC), the education appeal system is a non-litigation appeal system.