? Pwd= 1234 extraction code: 1234 paul rand is the most outstanding logo designer, thinker and design educator in the United States and even in the world. The trademarks he designed for IBM, ABC, UPS and Westinghouse are well-known and classic. He is the most influential designer and educator in contemporary America, because he has a keen insight into design and firmly believes in the power of excellent design.
1In February, 995, paul rand was invited by the ASU Scholar Program of the University of Arizona to give a lecture to lead students to think about everything they should know before designing. The content of this book is an excerpt from this lecture. From what beginners of graphic design should know and read, the help of computer to design, communication with customers, to what is design, through incisive questions and answers, we can get to the point and go straight to the core answer, which is inspiring and inspiring everywhere, and people have to admire the wisdom of the master.