The essential, inevitable and internal connection existing in educational activities is (). ?
A. Educational phenomenon
B. Educational facts
C. Education law
D. Education issues
Answer analysis c
[Expert Comment] The law of education, like other laws, is an inherent and inevitable essential connection between objective things (between internal elements of education and between education and other things) independent of human will, and it is an inevitable trend of the development and change of things (education).
Detailed introduction:
The law of education, like the law, is the internal and essential connection of objective things (between various factors in education and between education and other things) that are not transferred by human will, and it is the inevitable trend of the development and change of things (education).
It is the internal contradiction between educational phenomena and other social phenomena or the internal components of educational phenomena, or the internal relationship between them.
Fundamentally speaking, the scale and speed of education development are restricted by the development of social productive forces. It is a law that a country's productivity development level is directly proportional to its education development level.
Another example is that education is shared by human society, but it has different attributes in different historical stages or different societies, which is mainly determined by the social system, that is, by the economic and political system. This is also a law. Another example is that children's age characteristics are the basis of education and teaching, and education can promote children's physical and mental development, which is also the law of education, and so on.
Materialism holds that these laws are inherent in education itself and are independent of human will. Materialism recognizes the objective reality of educational activities and the objective reality of educational laws.