Books are the most diverse, largest and oldest information sources in educational science literature. Including classic works, educational monographs, teaching materials, informative reference books (such as educational dictionaries and encyclopedias) and popular science books.
Newspapers and periodicals
Newspapers and periodicals are serial publications. Newspapers are widely distributed and transmit information quickly, but the information is not systematic and difficult to preserve. Periodicals often reflect the latest trends and the highest research level in the subject field, and are the most effective and simple main source for educational researchers to consult documents.
Educational archives
Archives are the original documents and materials with preservation value directly formed by human beings in various social practice activities. Educational archives include educational yearbooks, educational decrees, educational statistics, educational investigation reports, academic conference documents, data compilations, catalogues, tables and records, local chronicles, epitaphs and inscriptions.
Electronic information retrieval system
With the development of Internet, electronic information retrieval system has become an important way to obtain educational literature.