Many candidates are used to reading paper materials when preparing for the intermediate accountant exam, and they will feel uncomfortable reading knowledge points or doing problems on the computer. But if you want to answer questions quickly and find out the key information of the question, you should get into the habit of answering questions on the computer in time. You can set the computer to eye protection mode, choose some chapter exercises or special exercises every day to review, master the answering skills and improve the answering speed.
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Second, allocate the answer time reasonably.
Because there are many knowledge points involved in each subject of the intermediate accountant examination, the examination time is very tight. Candidates should have a sense of time in the process of doing problems at ordinary times. Don't spend too much time thinking about a topic. When doing a set of papers, everyone should answer the questions in strict accordance with the time of the regular exam. If you stick to this method for a long time, you should know how long it takes to answer different questions and how long each question should be controlled.
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