Similarities and differences of preschool education in ancient Egypt, ancient India and ancient Hebrew
Judging from the history of world education development, education in ancient eastern countries is the earliest education in human history. Among them, school education in Babylon, ancient Egypt and ancient India had an important influence on the development of education in the East and the West. The common characteristics of their educational development are: (1) the earliest scientific knowledge, writing and school education were produced; (2) Education adapts to the social, political and economic structure, and has a strong class nature and hierarchy. Schools mainly recruit children of slave owners and enter different schools according to the level and identity of the educated objects; (3) Education is rich in content, including intellectual education, moral education and religious education, which not only reflects the requirements of the ruling class, but also reflects the needs of social progress and human development in many aspects; (4) Adapting to the educational content, various types of educational institutions have emerged to meet the needs of different ruling classes; (5) The educational method is relatively simple. Corporal punishment is prevalent, individual teaching is implemented, and formal teaching organizations have not yet formed; (6) Because the state attaches importance to knowledge, knowledge often becomes the patent of the ruling class, and the status of teachers is relatively high.