Feedback is a Chinese word, pinyin is f m n kuì, and English is feedback, which is a form of interaction between the system and the environment. In the process of interaction between the system and the environment, the output of the system becomes the input part, which in turn acts on the system itself, thus affecting the output of the system. According to the nature of feedback affecting output, it can be divided into positive feedback and negative feedback. The former enhances the output of the system, while the latter weakens the output of the system.
Take the reflex activity of human body as an example: when the stimulus (input) acts on the receptor, the nerve excitement travels along the afferent nerve to the brain center, and then controls the activity (output) of the effector along the efferent nerve.
The activity of the effector is used as stimulus information (input), and then the activity (output) of the effector is influenced by the regulation of the brain center. By using feedback, the learning results can be provided to learners in time and the response effect can be improved.